
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Berkeley and Oakland Join Arizona Boycott

Well folks, it looks like the death knell for Arizona. Now Berkeley and Oakland, two of America's "greatest cities" and "world players" have joined the Arizona boycott. See the below article by the Daily Californian.

So what does this mean for Arizona? For one thing, I guess no more hippies from Berkeley, be they civilians or city council members, will be traveling to Arizona to beg for money on the streets of say, Phoenix or Tucson. It also means Arizona won't have the pleasure of hosting any Oakland-based gang members.

Of course, Los Angeles forgot to think about the fact that they import about 25% of their power from Arizona before they announced their boycott. No word as yet if Berkeley and Oakland depend on Arizona for energy (if they have any).

But there is good news if you are from Berkeley or Oakland; you have the United States government and the administration on your side.

"That's a big f----- deal!"


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Is Arizona's power industry operated by the state government? If not, it seems likely that "market forces" will impel private investors to continue selling to Los Angeles. Convention dollars can be easily reallocated. Not so with commercial power transactions. Not entirely fair, a bit of a double standard perhaps, but that's life.

Gary Fouse said...

Well, LA can reap what they sow.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The operative word is "can."