
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Trump's Address to Congress

Al Green

As I previously wrote, Trump's White House presser with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy was a catastrophe in my opinion. But last night was a very good night for Trump. It wasn't just because he gave what I thought was his best political speech (with a couple of nitpicks I will mention below), but it was the childish behavior of the Democrats in the room. Some Democrats could not even bring themselves to rise when the President entered the chamber and walked down the aisle. It is recognized protocol that when a head of state enters a room-even an ambassador- you rise.

Trump knew they were going to make a scene and, no doubt, he egged them on. The most egregious behavior was by Al  Green, a congressman from Texas, who stood up and shouted at Trump until he was ordered removed from the hall by Speaker Mike Johnson. That left all the rest with their silly pink costumes and signs. What millions of Americans witnessed last night was almost all of the Democrats refusing to stand or applaud for anything Trump said no matter what it was. Of course, they don't agree with his agenda, his tax cuts, what he's doing with Ukraine, his tariffs, etc. They detest him as a person. But do they also have a problem with his announcement that a terrorist who masterminded the Kabul airport terror attack when US forces were leaving Afghanistan was on his way to the US from Pakistan-in handcuffs? What about the extradition of Rafael Caro-Quintero and 28 other Mexican drug kingpins, which was also announced by Trump?  

But worst of all was their refusal to even stand and applaud the people in the gallery who Trump introduced. Normally, I'm not a big fan of this practice during addresses to Congress by presidents, but Trump chose his guests masterfully.

Who could not be moved by the 13-year-old boy battling brain cancer, who wants to be a law enforcement officer and was awarded honorary credentials from the Secret Service? Who would not be moved by the introduction of the family of Laken Riley, the Georgia student murdered by an illegal alien gang member from Venezuela? Who would not be moved by the presence of the family of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl murdered by illegal aliens from Venezuela? What about the American citizen just released from Russia? And what about the introduction of the young woman whose volleyball career was ended by a brain injury due to the powerful spike of a male player on the other "girls" team? One would think that all those Democrat ladies dressed in pink would feel sympathy for her, but it appears that for the Democrats, supporting transgenders in the form of biological males competing in women's sports is more important than protecting female athletes from unfair competition and serious injuries, not to mention having to share shower facilities with males.

As for Trump's speech, I could nitpick and say that I had hoped he would say more about support of Israel and its war with the savages of Hamas. I had hoped he would address the plight of Jewish students in our universities and what he intends to do about that (which I firmly believe he will do). I must say that his comment about getting Greenland one way or the other was terrible. What is Denmark supposed to make of that?

That aside, it was a fine speech. Rather than read off a laundry list of things nobody cares about, the President read off a list of what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do while the sullen Democrats sat on their hands, held up silly signs, or walked out. It was beyond embarrassing and speaks volumes about just how much the Democrat Party has degenerated.

France: Afghan "Not Responsible" for Gouging out Victim's Eyes

Today in Paris, a court decided that a 25-year-old Afghan man, identified only as "Isaac", was "not responsible" for his actions in 2022 when he stabbed and gouged out a man's eyes in the French capital. So it's off to a psychiatric hospital for the gouger with an eye (no pun intended) to an "outpatient solution". Good luck with that.

I have a feeling we will be hearing more from Isaac in the future.

The below article from Le Parisien is translated by Fousesquawk.

He had his eyes gouged out in Paris: His attacker, diagnosed as schizophrenic, is found not responsible

On Tuesday, the judges in the investigative chamber ordered his placement in a psychiatric hospital. Isaac, a schizophrenic Afghan national, had been arrested in 2022 after having gouged out the eyes and stabbed a man seated on a park bench in the capital.

Julien Constant

March 5, 2025 at 07:03

Caption: Appellate court in  Paris, February 2025. In this courtroom, the arguments were held on the criminal responsibility of Isaac, in which the decision was rendered Wednesday.

More than two years after this terrible attack, Isaac was declared not responsible on Tuesday in the investigative chamber of Paris. The judges ordered his forced hospitalization. They also pronounced a prohibition of making contact with Nader, the victim, and a prohibition of carrying a weapon for 20 years. The 25-year-old Afghan had been charged for attempted murder several months after gouging out the eyes of a stranger who was seated on a park bench at Villemin Square in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.

On October 8, 2022, he attacked the man causing him terrible wounds to the eyes. Nader only survived by managing to escape. The suspect, in the middle of a schizophrenic crisis, was arrested a few minutes later. The man arrived in France in May 2022 via Germany. He was a cannabis user. He had no job or a home in the capital and had no previous criminal record.

Serious psychotic disorders

The psychiatric expert, Yon Liova, department head of the University of Paris Hospital Group, confirmed during the arguments that Isaac, "suffers from serious psychiatric disorders that were probably aggravated by the use of drugs". The doctor concluded that the young man acted under the impulse of an "acute delusion of persecution and disorganization of his thoughts," that took away his judgment. Therefore, he will be treated at the St Anne Hospital (14th arrondissement) to establish a protocol of care with lifelong treatment. The idea is to put in place, if possible, an outpatient solution. That is an ordinary life within society with permanent monitoring.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Austria: Another Vehicular Rampage (2)

"I don't see anything"

Here we go again. Yesterday in Vienna, a 35-year-old man (described in some media outlets as an Austrian) allegedly got drunk, stole a van, drove into the inner city at a high rate of speed, drove into a pedestrian zone, and ran the vehicle into the Plague Column monument. He tried to flee but was quickly arrested by police, all the while reportedly shouting, "Allahu Akhbar, "I will f--- your mother," and "I will sink you all into the canal." The man was quickly assumed to be insane and was transported to a psychiatric facility for further examination. There were no injuries. Terror was quickly ruled out.

Nothing to see here, Folks.

*Update: Note the final paragraph below. It appears that there were two separate vehicular rampage incidents in Vienna. In a second incident, there was reportedly one injury and 16 police shots fired at the driver who escaped. Some clarification is needed, and we will try to sort it all out. Jihad Watch Deutschland is also reporting two separate incidents.

The below article from the conservative Austrian site, Unzensuriert, is translated by Fousesquawk.

The man who drove a stolen van at the Vienna Plague Column resisted arrest but was arrested a few meters away

4 March 2025 13:15


With a stolen auto: Inner city racer cries, "Allahu Akhbar".

On Monday evening, a delivery van was driven through the Vienna inner city and into the Plague Column (memorial) on the Graben (name of a street). After the attacks in Magdeburg and Munich, as well as the car rampage with as an yet unknown motive in Mannheim, many feared yet another terror attack. Passersby panicked and fled.

Terror attack quickly ruled out

A terror attack was quickly ruled out: The police explained that a drunken driver lost control of his vehicle, (and) there were no injuries. Now it is known: The man was causing a ruckus during his arrest,  was shouting unambiguous slogans, and "his" vehicle was not his. 

Vehicle had been stolen from a construction firm

The delivery van, which belonged to a Vienna construction company, was stolen from a construction site in Vienna-Penzing shortly before the speeding incident in the pedestrian zone. The man drove from Habsburgergasse (narrow street or alley) in the First District to the Graben, accelerating and braking alternately. The collision with the Plague Column came when police officers were alerted to the man and the stolen vehicle drove into the bollards of the column.

Was the drunken driver an Islamist?

The man resisted arrest, reportedly (shouting) "Allahu Akhbar" several times, "I will f--- your mother", and "I will sink you all in the canal." The flight was quickly stopped after a few meters, (and) the 35-year-old's blood-alcohol level was measured at  1.2 per ml. Due to his psychological problems, he was transported to a psychiatric facility.


The police now announce on X that the driving incident in the Vienna inner city and the driving incident of the 35-year-old are two separate incidents. The two incidents are not connected to each other. The State Criminal Police of Vienna are now investigating under the direction of the State Prosecutor's Office of Vienna, according to the State Police Directorate in Vienna. The initial press release on the incident on Graben is no longer accessible.


Translator's update:

The Austrian daily, Kronen Zeitung, describes both incidents. 

1 At 17:40, the incident described in the Unzensuriert article occurred.

 2 The second incident began around 18:00 involving a Mercedes Benz with expired German transfer plates.  The unidentified driver was involved in a police chase on a main Vienna artery in the southeast sector. When he had to brake for a traffic jam, police set up a roadblock which he drove through aiming his car at an officer. At this point, the police fired 16 rounds at the vehicle, which failed to stop him. Eventually, the driver exited the vehicle and ran into an office building that housed the Asylum and Immigration office. Police were unable to find him

University of Michigan: Tribute to Memory of Bibas Family Defaced

It seems the University of Michigan has a large rock on campus that is regularly painted over by students with messages of some sort. So when it was painted in orange in a symbolic attribute to the Bibas family, mother Shiri, and sons, Kfir, and Ariel, all slaughtered by Hamas, it was then painted over with "Free Palestine" and an inverted red triangle. The latter is a symbol used by Hamas to identify Israeli military targets. Apparently, whoever painted over the rock decided that a tribute to the Bibas family was a "military target". For that matter, Hamas considers women and tiny children to be military targets, don't they?

This speaks volumes about the moral values of the pro-Hamas crowd on college campuses-or anywhere for that matter. Hamas slaughters a mother and her two small children, one an infant, and any tribute to their memory is defaced.

I often write about the articles posted by University of Michigan professor Juan Cole, a fierce enemy of Israel, on his blog, Informed Comment. As yet, I see nothing on his blog about this. I wonder if he will have anything to say about this. I am not optimistic, but if he proves me wrong, I will post it.

As yet, there is nothing in the campus paper.

Video of Pro-Hamas Protester Insulting NYPD

The website Jews of NY has posted a video reportedly from a demonstration at City College of New York in which a young Muslim woman is insulting a line of New York City police officers, apparently singling out those with Muslim names for particular abuse. The video is undated, and thus far, I can see no other reports on this incident. It appears to be recent and can be viewed here

No matter when it occurred, it is outrageous that officers of NYPD, including Muslim officers, would be abused in this manner. As for the woman shouting the vile abuse, we don't need folks like this in our country.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Germany: Update on Mannheim Attacker

 Hat tip New English Review.

The driver of the car involved in the Mannheim car attack is identified in the German press as Alexander S., a resident of  Ludwigshafen. Police are still investigating his motive and say there is no indication of political or religious motivation in the attack.

German newspapers are publishing photographs of the suspect with his face blurred out, for example, RTL (Germany) 

The German news site, Welt, has also reported that the suspect began drastically changing his appearance about 4 years ago. He gained a lot of weight, shaved his head, grew long sideburns, and posted a photo of himself shirtless with what Welt described as a possible tattoo on his torso of what might appear to be a bullet wound.

Then there is this appearing on X, alleging that the photo (below) is Alexander S.:

I am not going to call a posting on X the smoking gun. In other words, I cannot accept as conclusive that the man in the X photo above is Alexander S., but it does appear to be the same photo described in Welt. Has it been photoshopped? I have no idea, so I am looking for more corroboration.

But here is what I am driving at: Is it possible given what the German authorities and media are putting out about the suspect that they are withholding something from the public? Just askin'. 

*Update ( 3-5-25): Today, various sources are identifying the attacker as Alexander Scheuermann (40), of Ludwigshafen. 


Jewish Man and 5-Year-Old Son Kicked out of Oakland Coffee Shop: Files Lawsuit

-Jewish News of Northern California

Jonathan Hirsch, a Jewish man from Oakland, has filed a lawsuit against the Jerusalem Coffee House in Oakland and its owner alleging anti-Jewish discrimination. In October 2024, Hirsch entered the coffee shop with his 5-year-old son. At some point, the owner of the establishment, Abdulrahim Harara, ordered Hirsch to leave because he was wearing a (navy) blue hat with the Star of David on it. Despite the name of the coffee house, the owner is anti-Israel (which is his right). Whether he has the right to order a customer out of his establishment because he is wearing a cap with the Star of David on it is another matter that will now be settled in court. 

The lawsuit is being brought by the Louis D Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under the Law. There is a video of the encounter, which can be accessed below. It was posted by Jewish News of Northern California. 

The below text is copied and pasted from an email I received from the Brandeis Center. The link to the video is in the 6th paragraph.



Washington, D.C., March 3, 2025The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, representing a man who was ejected, along with his five-year-old son, from an Oakland coffeehouse because he is Jewish, filed a lawsuit today in the Superior Court of the State of California, Alameda County. According to the lawsuit, the defendants’ denial of services violates California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, among other laws.


This marks the first lawsuit brought by the Brandeis Center’s recently launched public interest litigation group, the Center for Legal Innovation (CLI). With incidents of anti-Semitism skyrocketing in the U.S., CLI was formed to serve as the first law firm to litigate exclusively against anti-Semitism in all sectors. Advisory board members include U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, Solicitor General Paul Clement, and chairmen and renowned litigators representing some of the nation’s most prestigious law firms, including Paul, Weiss; Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP; Holtzman Vogel; Schaerr | Jaffe LLP; Consovoy McCarthy; and Cooley and Susman Godfrey LLP. 


The incident in question occurred on October 26, 2024, when Jonathan Hirsch and his five-year-old son entered the Jerusalem Coffee House, owned by Abdulrahim Harara.  After lunch at a local restaurant, Casper’s, Hirsch’s son needed to use the restroom, but Casper’s did not provide restrooms for their customers, and the staff directed Hirsch to the coffee shop across the street.  Hirsch was wearing a blue baseball cap that depicted a white Jewish Star on the front.  The baseball cap was a recreation of a 1938 baseball cap associated with the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, a large Jewish charitable institution based in New York that hosted many Negro league baseball games.  Hirsch ordered a latte, his son used the restroom, and they started playing chess while waiting for their drink. 


Within minutes, Harara approached Mr. Hirsch and demanded to know if he was a “Zionist.” When Mr. Hirsch refused to answer the question, Harara demanded that Mr. Hirsch leave the premises, threatened to call the police, subjected him to physical contact and verbal slurs. Harara raised his voice at Hirsch and he and another employee attempted to physically push Hirsch toward the exit.  Harara stated, “this is a violent hat and you need to leave.” 


An employee of the East Bay Community Space, which rents the space to Harara, arrived on the scene. Echoing Harara’s right to evict Hirsch, she claimed, “the only reason they know you’re a protected class is that you’re putting on your hat. You’re choosing to be here in this situation.”  The police arrived, Hirsch and his son stepped outside, his son frightened and in tears, while Harara continued yelling at Hirsch. Harara shouted “Fuck Israel. Fuck Zionists,” called Hirsch a “bitch” and told Hirsch’s son “Hey, your dad’s a bitch. Your dad’s a bitch.”


A video of Harara verbally attacking Hirsch and demanding he leave the establishment can be viewed here. Hirsch had never discussed Israel, Zionism, Judaism, or any related topics with Harara or anyone else inside the business.  Other than the Jewish Star, his hat had no other writing or symbols.


Hirsch is an American Jew and United States citizen who resides in Oakland, California, with his wife and three children. The Jewish Star on Hirsch’s hat, also known as a Star of David, is a symbol that represents Judaism and Jewish identity. It appears in Jewish synagogues, on Jewish tombstones, on the Israeli flag, and was used by the Nazis to identify Jews; it is inextricably linked with the Jewish people and the Jewish religion.


“The anti-Semitism that Mr. Hirsch and his son experienced is utterly shocking, as was the Defendants’ ignorance of basic morality and the law,” said Brandeis Center Senior Counsel Omer Wiczyk, who is representing Hirsch. “We look forward to educating the Defendants – and anyone that shares their distorted views – in a court of law. In the United States of America, a business cannot refuse to serve someone because they are Jewish, or any other race, religion, or ethnicity. The fact that this needs to be said in 2025 is a frightening reminder of the growing anti-Semitism that far too many have experienced in recent years.”


California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, Civil Code § 51 et seq. broadly prohibits business establishments from discriminating in the provision of goods and services. Harara’s and East Bay Community Space’s refusal to permit Hirsch and his son to enjoy the services, privileges, accommodations, and facilities of a business establishment, solely because he was wearing a baseball cap with a Jewish star, constitutes discrimination. Hirsch is suing both Harara and the East Bay Community Space and seeks compensatory and punitive damages as well as injunctive relief and declaratory relief.


Victims of anti-Semitism seeking pro-bono counsel and support from CLI can reach out to David Dince, Brandeis Center Director of Litigation, at or 917-509-1203 (mobile), 202-559-9296 (office). 


The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law is an independent, unaffiliated, nonprofit corporation established to advance the civil and human rights of the Jewish people and promote justice for all. LDB engages in research, education, and legal advocacy to combat the resurgence of anti-Semitism on college and university campuses, in the workplace, and elsewhere. It empowers students by training them to understand their legal rights and educates administrators and employers on best practices to combat racism and anti-Semitism. More at


Another Car Attack in Germany

-Unser Mittel Europa

Today at about 12:15 in Mannheim, a driver drove his car at high speed into a crowd of people near Paradeplatz. Apparently, this was a location being set up for Fasching activity. The driver fled the scene but was apprehended by police. According to news reports, (Welt) at the moment of arrest, he shot himself in the mouth with a blank pistol. He is now in a local hospital, reportedly in critical condition.

At this point, two are dead and several injured, some critically, including a small child.

As for the perpetrator's identity, police have told media that he is a German citizen, about 40 years old, from Rheinland-Pfalz, with no immigration background. In addition, the registered owner of the vehicle, a black Ford Fiesta, was previously known to authorities for some kind of writing linked to him of a "terrorist or right-wing extremist" nature. It is not known if the registered owner of the car is one and the same as the driver. The suspect is believed to have acted alone.

So it remains to be seen if this was an act of Islamist-inspired jihadist terror. We will update this story as it progresses.

Fasching in Germany Under Terrorist Threat

This article first appeared in New English Review.

(Previous) Fasching in Nuremberg
-Nueremberg Stadtportal

The Fasching (Carnival) season is a great time to be in Germany. Everybody dresses up in crazy costumes, and there are parties and parades galore. When I was serving with the US Army in Erlangen, just outside Nuremberg, in the 1960s, I remember participating in Fasching parties in some of the GI bars that we frequented. It was great to be able to participate in this wonderful German tradition.

But that was then. Now Germany is under terrorist threat from Islamic extremists who have nothing but contempt for the country that has given them asylum and its traditions, like Fasching. ISIS has issued specific threats against Fasching celebrations in Germany. Is it coincidental that Ramadan is also currently in progress, or does ISIS think it is evil for Germans to be having a giant party while Muslims are fasting during the day? 

As a result of the threat, several cities in Germany are canceling certain Fasching events normally organized by the cities and states. Munich has canceled some of its main events, partly due to its own recent Islamist car attack that left two dead this month, and many other cities are looking for ways to cut down on the risk of attacks. Parades in particular are being canceled in many cities across the nation.

In Nuremberg, a city I am quite familiar with, the city has decided to allow the major parade, scheduled for today, but has canceled the Fasching Children's Parade scheduled for Monday, March 3. It is unfortunate and sad, but one can understand the reasoning. God forbid that some jihadist(s) would go on a rampage in the middle of a children's parade with guns, knives, cars, or bombs leaving dozens of dead children in their wake.

So this is the time we are living in. It speaks volumes that a city like Nuremberg has to cancel its children's parade for fear of an Islamic attack. In addition, Jewish Passover is on the way, and no doubt there will have to be beefed-up security at synagogues and other Jewish locations. The reason? The same.

In contrast, Muslims in Germany don't have to worry about their Ramadan observances being attacked by terrorists, and that's the way it should be. No decent person wants to go on a murderous rampage against anyone, including innocent Muslims. During this month of fasting, Muslims are supposed to reflect on how to be better Muslims. Unfortunately, for some, that means attacking the "unbelievers". The result is that Ramadan is hardly a month in which non-Muslims don't have to fear being attacked. It is quite the opposite.

In my view, this should be a time for decent Muslims observing Ramadan in Germany to reflect on why a children's Fasching parade has to be canceled due to fear that the children could be slaughtered by jihadists. They might also reflect on how that affects the way the German people view Islam and those who follow it. 

My hope is that Fasching goes ahead and the Germans don't allow terrorists to interfere with their cultural celebrations. And of course, I pray that it can go forward free of attacks.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Nuremberg Cancels Children Fasching Parade Due to Threat of Islamic Terror Attacks

Cancelled: Previous Fasching Children's Parade in Nuremberg
-Nuernberg Stadtportal

It is Fasching Season in Germany, but due to the threats of Islamic jihad attacks in the country, many cities are canceling or restricting certain events associated with Fasching. Munich has already canceled certain parades and events. Now Nuremberg has decided to cancel tomorrow's scheduled Children's Fasching Parade due to security concerns. The major parade scheduled for today has been allowed to proceed.

That says a lot, doesn't it, when a country has to cancel a traditional celebration, especially for its children, because of concern that some jihadist(s) will go on a rampage and murder innocent children.

The below article in NĂĽrnberger Nachrichten is translated by Fousesquawk.

*Update: It appears Nuremberg's major Fasching parade went off with no problems.

-Today-Nueremberger Nachrichten

Helpers express concern

After security meeting: The Fasching parade takes place- Second parade canceled

-Minh Anh Nguyen    2-26-2025  15:17

Caption: Children's Fasching Parade in 2019. This year the event must be canceled.

Nuremberg: After Islamists on social media called for attacks, among others, in Nuremberg, the city sees the first consequences. An event will not not occur.

As the city of Nuremberg is reporting, the 45th Nuremberg Children's Fasching parade on Rose Monday will not take place. "Numerous institutions, who normally participate in the parade, have, as a precaution, canceled their participation due to their reduced sense of security." The Fasching Parade for Children traditionally goes through the inner city and is organized by the city of Nuremberg Youth Office.

Due to recent threats, workers and helpers, as well as parents, expressed concerns. But it is more than the individual security feelings of those involved independent from the police assessment, stressed the city administration. In order to enable the girls and boys to have the "most carefree" Fasching, this year instead of the parade, "Fasching Care packages" will be given out. These contain donuts and children's punch and will be distributed by the Parade Team of the Youth Office on Rose Monday.

The major Nuremberg Fasching Parade will still take place

After a comprehensive security meeting between the city of Nuremberg, the organizers, and the police, the administration has decided that the major Nuremberg Fasching parade on Sunday, March 2, 2025, will still take place. The reason for that is that the security assessment of the police remains unchanged. There are currently no indications of specific dangers or new findings. The officials assume that the threats are intended "to create unease in the population". For the major events, therefore, there is a "heightened abstract danger". 

The current security concept already consists of extensive measures. "Especially the access streets along the route between Bayreuther Strasse (street) and Vordere Ledergasse (Gasse-narrow street or alley) will be monitored." There should also be a large police presence at the site.

Zelenskiyy's Big Day in London


"Good news, mein Fuehrer. Zelenskiyy is meeting with King Charles today."

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Columbia/Barnard Degenerate Into Chaos

Barnard College

Barnard College in New York City is an affiliate of Columbia University although they are considered separate campuses. Last month, two students from Barnard were expelled for their actions in taking over a class on Israeli history at Columbia. On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the Barnard campus was taken over by protesters demanding that Barnard reinstate the two expelled students. As a result, two employees were assaulted and one required hospitalization. 

How this will play out in terms of disciplinary measures remains to be seen, but at first glance, it appears that Barnard has not shown any strength in dealing with the pro-Hamas thugs and thugettes. But when people are assaulted, it demands the strongest punishment. That means people need to be prosecuted and expelled. 

Below are three articles dealing with the latest disturbances. The first is from the Washington Free Beacon. The second is from the Barnard campus newspaper, the Barnard Bulletin. The third is from the Columbia Spectator. As you might guess, the two campus papers are loathe to criticize anything the pro-Palestinian thugs and thugettes do.