Yesterday, I received an email from Golden West College President Wes Bryan in regards to the March 14 "Islam 101" incident.
Dear Mr. Fouse,
Thank you for your follow-up email. We agree with you that public events should promote free speech and that all attendees should have an opportunity to engage in respectful dialogue to express diverse thoughts. From the accounts we have heard and gathered, we know that some who were at the Islam 101 event did not have the opportunity to ask all of their questions due to the early conclusion of the event. For that reason, we are reviewing our procedures and protocols, including Public Safety, to ensure both the protection of participants while also honoring free speech during public events. We will strive to offer a balanced and quality educational experience for our students and will continue to welcome community members to public events and activities.
Wes Bryan
Golden West College
Golden West College’s mission is to provide an intellectually and culturally stimulating learning environment for its diverse student population. The College provides enriching and innovative educational programs that help students meet their individual goals: transfer to four-year institutions, earn associate degrees, complete certificates in career and technical education, advance their careers, and demonstrate college readiness. The College is committed to academic excellence, community engagement, and student success through continuous assessment and improvement of student learning and institutional effectiveness.
Here is the latest in coverage from Frontpage Magazine (prior to the above letter):
Of course, Bryan's carefully crafted letter, while somewhat encouraging, does not address the most egregious issue, that of calling in the campus cops to confront those who asked challenging questions of the speaker. That is not the main reason they should be reviewing their procedures. Of course, to admit guilt over the campus police issue might open themselves to a successful legal action.
*Update: This letter from Bryan to fellow attendee, Steve Amundson, is more forthcoming.
Dear Steve,
I understand that you were disappointed in this event, and would have preferred an individualized response to your inquiry. Our intent in the previous response was to affirm that the event was problematic in many ways. We agree with you that public events should promote free speech and that all attendees should have an opportunity to engage in respectful dialogue to express diverse thoughts. We acknowledged that this did not occur and that we could do a better job.
For that reason, we are reviewing our procedures and protocols, including Public Safety, to ensure that faculty and staff on campus treat others with dignity and engage in respectful interaction with others, while supporting free speech and individuals right to express diverse thoughts. In the future we will strive to offer a balanced and quality educational experience for our students and will continue to welcome community members to public events and activities.
I believe this has been a learning experience for the college and that we will do a better job going forward in protecting free speech while providing students rich learning opportunities.
Wes Bryan
Golden West College
Golden West College’s mission is to provide an intellectually and culturally stimulating learning environment for its diverse student population. The College provides enriching and innovative educational programs that help students meet their individual goals: transfer to four-year institutions, earn associate degrees, complete certificates in career and technical education, advance their careers, and demonstrate college readiness. The College is committed to academic excellence, community engagement, and student success through continuous assessment and improvement of student learning and institutional effectiveness.