
Friday, February 7, 2025

(Graduate) Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA Comes to Your Community

Early Wednesday morning this week dozens of masked protesters, organized by the UCLA chapter of Graduate Students for Palestine showed up outside the home of UC Regent Jay Sures (who is Jewish) , vandalized the outside of his home, disturbed the neighborhood, harassed neighbors, and carried on in their typical juvenile fashion, all while LAPD officer "monitored" the situation. In other words, no arrests were made.


Here is how the Daily Bruin (UCLA campus newspaper) reported it.

"The neighbor also said in the statement that they were pushed by a protester after they attempted to film the demonstration. Protesters chanted “intifada revolution” and held a banner that read “Jonathan Sures you will pay, until you see your final day,” they said."
-Daily Bruin

It seems like the Daily Bruin was Johnny-on-the-spot with their reporting. Could it be that one of their reporters was present at the scene? Just askin'.

So now that the little Brownshirts of (Graduate) SJP have taken their mobs from the campus to the community and vandalized the home of their intended target, when will we see some action taken by the police and the university? Back in my day, when you vandalized someone's home, you got your mask removed and were arrested. Back in my day, you got kicked out of school for this kind of action. Hopefully, there will be enforcement action taken and people will be prosecuted. Hopefully, the Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine will become the Expelled Students for Justice in Palestine. If any of these mopes were foreign students, hopefully, they will become Deported Students for Justice in Palestine.

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