
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Car Attack in Munich

-Sueddeutsche Zeitung

On Thursday morning at about 10:30, a car was driven through a crowd of people, apparently, a union demonstration. At least 28 people have been injured some seriously. One account I have seen reports that a 2-year-old is in critical condition. The driver, a 24-year-old Afghan rejected asylum-seeker, was arrested.

-Deutsche Welle

Suspect's vehicle

The below article from today's  Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Munich) is translated by Fousesquawk. This is only a partial translation consisting of the first paragraph seen in blue and datelined 11 minutes ago (updated).

Also note that the article states that the motive for the act is not clear!!

*Update: Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna

Vlad Tepes has come up with a video on X that purportedly shows the driver being restrained by police and shouting the Shehada ("There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is his messenger".) The first line in German translates the Shehada and the second line reads, "This is what it sounds like when an Afghan mixes up the gas and the brakes." I am scouring German media, and thus far, I see no mention of this video/audio. There are numerous photos of the arrest which appear to correspond to the video, yet it appears the alleged statements by the driver were made after he was moved away from his car.

*Update: Various German news sources are identifying the driver only as Farhad N. Though his asylum request was denied, he was granted some sort of document that allowed him to remain and work in Germany.



11 minutes ago

What is known about the apparent attack

* On Thursday in the Munich inner city around 10:30 am, a car drove into a crowd of people at a demonstration by the Verdi union. According to police, at least 30 persons were injured, some seriously.

* The Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Soeder (CSU), is talking of an "attack". The driver of the Mini Cooper overtook a police car at the end of the demonstration and then allegedly drove into the group of people. A shot was fired by police.

* The police arrested the driver of the car. He is reportedly a 24-year-old rejected asylum-seeker from Afghanistan, who lives in Munich. He was slightly injured but has no gunshot wounds.

* The presumed attack took place near the Stiglmaierplatz (square) at Seidlstrasse (street). The motive for the act is not clear.

The Bavarian Central Office for Extremism and Terrorism of the State Prosecutor's Office has taken over the investigation.

Was über den mutmaßlichen Anschlag bekannt ist

  • Am Donnerstag ist in der Münchner Innenstadt gegen 10.30 Uhr ein Auto bei einer Demonstration der Gewerkschaft Verdi in eine Menschenmenge gefahren. Dabei wurden laut Polizei 30 Personen teils schwerst verletzt.
  • Bayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) spricht von einem "Anschlag". Der Fahrer des Mini Coopers habe ein Polizeiauto am Ende des Demonstrationszugs überholt und sei dann in die Menschengruppe gefahren. Dabei fiel auch ein Schuss durch die Polizei.
  • Die Polizei hat den Fahrer des Autos festgenommen. Es soll sich um einen 24 Jahre alten abgelehnten Asylbewerber aus Afghanistan handeln, der in München lebte. Er wurde leicht verletzt, hatte aber keine Schussverletzung.  
  • Der mutmaßliche Anschlag ereignete sich nahe dem Stiglmaierplatz auf der Seidlstraße. Das Motiv für die Tat ist unklar. 
  • Die bayerische Zentralstelle für Extremismus und Terrorismus der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft hat die Ermittlungen übernommen.

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