
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Austria: 6 Months in Jail for Two Afghans Who Sexually Groped Kids in Public Pool


Yet another case of Afghan "refugees" committing crimes in Austria. Two Afghan males, who had just been admitted as refugees, got drunk, headed for a public pool, and began to grope kids in the pool. Their sentence amounts to 6 months in jail, with time served and no deportation because, after all, they came from Afghanistan. The victims, their families, and lawyers are outraged,

The below article from the Austrian daily, Heute (Today), is translated by Fousesquawk.

Children groped

Sentence is in: Refugees will soon be free after swimming pool (sexual) abuse

First confessed, then gaps in memory. Two Afghans, who allegedly (sexually) abused children, were irritating in court. Now the sentence is in.

-By Christian Tomsits

October 3, 2024 at 13:50

Caption: The two defendants hide their faces behind their hands.

After an initial confession, on Thursday, in the State Court of Vienna-Neustadt, two Afghans (29,30) suddenly had memory lapses-we reported. Now the sentence is in against the refugees who were arrested at a public swimming pool in their first few days in the country. Only 18 months partial custody for each, 6 of which are to be served unconditionally.

That means they will be free again in less than two months since pre-trial custody counts against the sentence imposed.

Caption: In Vienna-Neustadt, two Afghans are charged for allegedly sexually abusing several children in a public pool. They hide their faces from the cameras.

The two men, who first met each other in the initial reception center in Traiskirchen in the summer, allegedly sexually abused 6 children in the whirlpool of the well-known "Aqua-Splash" public pool in Traiskirchen.

"There, they took turns trying to touch children swimming by both underwater and above water," said the public prosecutor, who described the mutual "motivation and support". "My clients were heavily intoxicated," said the defense attorney. The refugees had consumed alcohol for the first time in their lives- and in the morning had emptied a bottle of vodka together. 

Then the defendants, one of whom claimed to be a former police officer, and the other the father of two small children (6 and 8), became irritating with shocking memory gaps. Even before the criminal incidents in the whirlpool occurred, the men's memories apparently ended. "I really can't remember anymore if I touched the children, I'm sorry. A normal person doesn't do such a thing," one of the two said.

Caption: Public pool in Traiskirchen

Both were steadfast: The blame for the attack was the alcohol and not themselves. The two only remembered the way to the pool and later the arrest in the changing room. The statements from the children were unanimously clear. "He dove under us and touched us- on the thigh, on the stomach, and between the legs."

The children (9,11), represented by top lawyer Florian Höllwarth, each asked for 3,000 euros in compensation-another victim wanted a "symbolic" 500 euros for her suffering. "She was afraid to go outside the entire summer," said her lawyer.

The Afghans wanted to pay 100 euros in damages

Ultimately, the 6 victims were awarded between 500-1,000 euros. In the trial, the defendants only agreed to 100 euros per child. The sentence is not yet final.  Deportation for both perpetrators is not currently possible. The Interior Minister told Heute ("Today") that they are working on a repatriation agreement with Afghanistan. 

Politicians horrified after sentence

"How is 6 months in jail with full meals for two Afghans supposed to be a deterrent?" stated LH representative Udo Landbauer, FPÖ, (Austrian People's Party) shortly after the sentence. "The perpetrators will be free before Christmas and can put this chapter behind them. For the parents and children, a serious slap in the face," said the ("Blue") politician, who once again is calling for an asylum halt and strict deportations, including to Afghanistan.

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