
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tim Walz Sides with the Supporters of Hamas

Hat tip JNS

On September 5, Tim Walz made another outrageous statement (while condemning Hamas) in which he claimed that the pro-Palestinian protesters who are running amok in our streets and on our campuses are acting, “for all the right reasons”. Just like his running mate, who tried to please both sides in her debate against Donald Trump, Walz is trying to straddle the fence. When Kamala Harris said in the debate that Palestinians rightly deserved dignity and their own state, I beg to differ. I also beg to differ when Walz says their thuggish supporters in the US are acting for all the right reasons.

What happened last year on October 7 should have settled the debate for all time as to side is right and which side is evil. Instead, the far-left and the Islamists in this country have sided with Hamas. They have doubled down on their tactics of disruption and intimidation, not to mention outright anti-Semitism. Their recent encampments on campuses have worn out the patience of the American public, even the patience of our wimpy university administrators.

But Walz thinks they are protesting for “all the right reasons”. Like what, the destruction of Israel and the elimination of every last Jew in the Middle East, if not the world? To make every US campus uncomfortable and unsafe for Jewish students? They are supporting Hamas. Walz cannot condemn Hamas out of one side of his mouth while defending Hamas’ supporters out of the other side other side of his mouth.

This is the guy who watched Minneapolis burn as governor of Minnesota. For days, he refused to send in the National Guard when the  city's mayor was pleading for help. Walz’s wife later talked about how she kept the windows open so she could smell the burning tires.

Let’s be honest. Both Walz and Harris are on the side of the Palestinians, not the Israelis. It should also be added that Walz made this latest declaration in an interview with a Michigan radio station, no doubt kowtowing to Dearborn voters.

The guy is a total blowhard.

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