
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Shame: Anne Frank Memorial in Amsterdam Vandalized ("Gaza")

Stijn Nijssen, a councilor for the VVD (Peoples' Party for Freedom and Democracy) in Amsterdam, has posted a photo on X of a statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam that was spray painted with the word, "Gaza" this week by some unidentified vandal(s).

Nijssen's accompanying words are translated by Fousesquawk.

"The image of Anne Frank on Merwedeplein (square) in the Rivierenbuurt (neighborhood in Amsterdam)  is defaced by a vandal with the text, "Gaza".

It is really shameful that someone would think to bring attention to the Palestinian issue by smearing an image of Anne Frank, the international symbol of the Holocaust."


Fousesquawk comment: Yes, it is shameful, beyond words, in my view. While sickening, it should come as no surprise. The supporters of the Palestinians and Hamas feel no sorrow for Anne Frank or the 6 million other victims of the Holocaust. That's because they are filled with hatred for Jews in general. 

Dutch Jewry suffered great losses during the German occupation. Most of the Jews who were shipped to the extermination camps from the Netherlands never returned. The numbers are not exact, but it is estimated that about 100,000 Dutch Jews died in the Holocaust while some 35,000 survived. As with most all occupied nations during World War 2, there was a Dutch resistance, while at the same time, there were Dutch Nazis and collaborators.

I am no stranger to the Netherlands, and I firmly believe that this incident is not reflective of the Dutch people in general. While I have my opinion, I won't speculate here about who the perpetrator(s) in this incident might be. Suffice to say that Jew-hatred is once again alive and well in many Western European countries like the Netherlands, primarily due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as age-old hatreds. It must be confronted and stamped out, not only in Europe but in the US as well.

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