
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Austria: It's the Chechens Against the Syrians in the Vienna Cup

Police in Vienna

Austria may have been eliminated from the Euro Cup soccer matches going on in Germany, but forget about whether Spain, the Netherlands, or England will win the coveted Euro Cup. The truly exciting match is going on in Vienna, where it's the Chechens against the Syrians battling for the coveted Streets of Vienna Cup. (The Austrian police team was eliminated years ago.) 

The below article from today's Heute (Austria) is translated by Fousesquawk.

Chechens against Syrians

Gang fight in Vienna- Now there is an explosive twist

For days, a bloody conflict in the Vienna migrant community has been escalating. Now the "elders" are reportedly negotiating a peaceful solution.

By Maxim Zdziarski

Caption: Police operation in Vienna-Brigittinau

There has been a conflict between Chechens and Syrians in Vienna. In January, there was reportedly a fight-since then there has been a bloody feud between both communities on Vienna's streets.

Last weekend, the dispute between both groups reached its sad high point. On Friday, there was a gang fight between Syrians and Chechens, in which knives and weapons were used. Just two days later, Syrians were attacked by masked men at the Meidling train station. There were injuries here as well.

Hate continues on Internet

The Criminal Police are now investigating at high speed. A 29-year-old Chechen has already been arrested. In his apartment, a blank pistol was found.

While the youths continue to massively agitate against each other in their chat groups, others from the communities are trying to finally settle the dispute. They speak of "making peace", which means peace between the two parties. On the other hand, others continue to foment the hatred. "Chechens and Turks will continue to f*** you in Vienna until you will regret being born at all."

"Elders" reportedly to bring peace

Explosive: Not only state institutions, but the "elders", that is, respected personalities within the diaspora, are reportedly already working on a peaceful solution-this was explained by a Chechen influencer on Tiktok. Apparently, there will reportedly be a meeting in which the hatchet will be buried. If and when that will take place remains to be seen.


Fousesquawk comment: I have the perfect peaceful solution: Arrests, imprisonment, and deportations.

Problem solved.

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