
Saturday, June 22, 2024

France: Update on Rape of 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl

Hat tip Francois deSouche

The French blog, Francois deSouche has posted excerpts from several French newspapers providing updated information on the three suspects, all minors, who have been charged with gang-raping a 12-year-old Jewish girl outside of  Paris, a crime that has shocked and outraged the nation.

Though the boys cannot be identified by name since they are minors, it has emerged that they are Muslims (one apparently a convert) and were motivated by anti-Jewish hate. It is also being reported that the victim was in some sort of relationship with one of the boys and had lied to him that she was Muslim. The boy was reportedly outraged when he found out she was, in fact, Jewish.

The excerpts of the below article quoted by Francois deSouche from Le Figaro are translated by Fousesquawk. (Note: The * affixed to the name of the victim is almost certainly to indicate that it is not her true name. The explanation in Le Figaro is not available since the article is subject to subscriber block.)

Courbevoie (92): 12-year-old girl raped and threatened to be burned by teenagers; she pretended to be a Muslim and reportedly criticized Palestine. One of the suspects, J.(13, is a "blonde" convert to Islam.

Caption: Premises of a former daycare center in Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine) where the victim was reportedly raped. 


J. was one of two minors suspected of having raped Axelle*, 12, in an abandoned building in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine). The victim also reported anti-Semitic remarks ("Dirty Jew") made during the attack. J. and W., 13, have been charged and locked up. A third minor, 12, F., was placed under a provisional judicial measure pending his placement in a (court-ordered) juvenile protection facility.

According to the initial elements of the investigation, the victim reportedly had a "(puppy) love affair" with F., who, after having learned that the young girl was of the Jewish faith, reportedly became very angry. She had actually made him believe that she was a Muslim. According to Axelle's statements, the aim of this diversion was to "protect herself" and "avoid any attack". The investigations have also led to the recovery of anti-Semitic images, including a photo of a burned Israeli flag on the cell phone of one of the suspects.


The neighborhood also evokes the unstable family environment where J......... , youngest of three brothers and one sister, grew up. Three of the children were from the same father, J. from another man who left the residence more than ten years ago. So the mother raised her four children alone. And according to several corroborating witnesses, this woman, who worked in the personal assistant sector, was reportedly subjected to violence on the part of her violent and alcoholic ex-partners, but also from her own children, including J., who "hit his mother", one neighbor claims. This situation reportedly led to police intervening several times at the residence to protect the mother of the family.

It seems that the adolescent was in bad company. According to our information, J. reportedly had already been taken into custody and was implicated in a case of theft of a scooter. The 13-year-old boy, nevertheless, was not known as a notorious delinquent, according to the town hall of Rueil-Malmaison. "He was not known to the town hall for repeated (delinquent) acts, as opposed to certain youths who were (known)," it is reported. Was J. known for his anti-Semitism? It is hard to say at this stage. A convert to Islam, he had a hard time accepting the homosexuality of one of his brothers, indicates one of the corroborating sources.


Le Figaro

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