
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

France: Afghans Riot in Paris

Le Journal du Dimanche

On Saturday, April 20, some 200 Afghan demonstrators took to the streets in Paris to pay tribute to three Afghans who died in a shooting incident/fire in the city on April 7. At some point, the demonstration turned into a riot, as the below videos clearly show. Four people were arrested for destruction of property.

The  French blog, Francois deSouche has an article with news links and lots of videos. It seems, however, that the French media, in general, is not giving much coverage to the incident.

The below article from Francois deSouche, which has an excerpt from Journal du Dimanche and videos, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Paris (11th arrondissement). Demonstration by Afghan migrants degenerates on Rue Charonne; Media coverage of events almost non-existent. (Update): CNews and JDD (Le Journal du Dimanche) mention riot

Francois April 22, 2024 at 12:05

Leaders from the right, Rassemblement Nationale, and Reconquete (Reconquest), stepped up to denounce the scenes of violence that happened on 20 April in the capital during a demonstration. Some of them bemoaned the almost non-existent media coverage of the events.

Clashes during a demonstration in honor of the victims of a fire on Rue de Charonne.

The demonstration that degenerated was, according to the police prefecture of Paris, a mobilization in honor of the victims of the fire on 7 April on Rue de Charonne. In this incident, le Parisien reported recently, the occupant of the apartment set on fire is suspected of having shot to death two of his guests, one of whom an Afghan co-national, before setting fire to the scene to get rid of the traces of his crime. Three persons were killed during the tragedy, of which the criminal (motive) is assumed.

-Journal du Dimanche


Tweet from police prefecture:

On Saturday, 20 April 20, a demonstration, called to honor the victims of the fire on April 20, 2024, on Rue de Charonne, was held from the Charonne Metro to 154 (Rue de Charonne). Upon dispersal around 17:30, of the 200 participants on Rue de Charonne, some of the demonstrators who had remained at the scene, took off in a wild procession and were quickly blocked by police. 

The (police) proceeded with the arrests of four individual perpetrators, specifically for damage to outdoor furniture at the corner of Rue de Charonne and Boulevard Voltaire.

The situation returned to normal some 20 minutes later, the gathering of demonstrators (was) dispersed by the FDO (forces of order-police), who utilized intermediate means of defense (3 tear gas canisters) to carry it out.


Tweet from Officiers et Commissaires de Police

Saturday, a demonstration in honor of the victims of the fire of April 7, 2024 on Rue de Charonne degenerated at the time of dispersion, Rue de Charonne in Paris. Police intervened to restore order and arrested 4 perpetrators for destruction of property.

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