
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Op-Ed by Jewish Student at UC Berkeley-Cross-Post

For the past several months, we have been following the story at UC Berkeley, where a conglomeration of ethnic identity groups within the law school has announced their refusal to invite any speakers who are pro-Israel. During the course of events, I wrote a letter to Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, and he responded.

I am cross-posting an op-ed by Ron Belman, a Jewish student at UCB, in Algemeiner. Belman states that UCB professor, Hatem Bazian, is a co-founder of this aforementioned conglomeration. I had suspected that myself, but had no information as to that effect. If so, it is hardly a surprise. 

Hatem Bazian

 In reference to the title of Belman's op-ed, it has been my position for years that UCB has not been standing up for its Jewish students. I believe that is also true of the entire UC system.

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