
Friday, March 5, 2021

Stanford Daily Wants to Kick College Republicans off Campus

Hat tip Legal Insurrection and Campus Reform

 The Stanford Daily, the campus newspaper of Stanford University, is linked on this site under the column, "Fiction section". And for good reason. I am cross-posting a current editorial that advocates for kicking the College Republican chapter off the Stanford campus.

What jumps out at you from this editorial is first, that the Stanford Daily is composed of what we term, "snowflakes", and second, they have no tolerance for dissenting points of view. Of course, Stanford is not unique in this respect. You find this nonsense on university campuses all over the nation. But it deserves to be called out, nonetheless.

I stress that this editorial was written by a person or persons who are students and quite young. The real blame goes out to those who have indoctrinated them into this Jacobin-type mentality.

As I mentioned in the reader comment thread to this article, they have failed to make the case that the College Republicans, Dinesh D' Souza, Ben Shapiro, or Robert Spencer are hate mongers. Quite the opposite is the case. I also mentioned that a Stanford professor who they claim received death threats, David Palumbo-Liu, is one whose words certainly should be challenged, but I hastened to add that I would condemn anyone who threatened him and that he had the right to state his views on whatever issue he chooses. I heard him speak at UC Irvine a few years ago, and we challenged his statements in the proper forum. We did not attempt to shut him down, however.

The Stanford Daily article is getting widespread attention, notably from blogs like Legal Insurrection and Campus Reform. That is well and good. Campus newspapers, who operate under the First Amendment, should be held up to ridicule when they attempt to deny First Amendment rights to others.

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