
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Nigerian Organ Trafficking in Italy

Last week, we posted a video of Giorgia Meloni, leader of the center-right Italian party, Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) speaking about organ trafficking by Nigerian migrants in Italy.

We are now posting an appearance by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on the talk program, Povera Patria (Poor Homeland). I have selected three excerpts from the show. In the first, Salvini is asked for his reaction to Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti questioning Salvini's Catholic faith over the migrant issue. In another segment, the hosts show a clip of a Nigerian mafia member (who has collaborated with police) talking about the Nigerian traffic in drugs, prostitutes, and most shocking of all, organs. The third segment is Salvini's response. The video may be accessed in the below link by Vlad Tepes.

Translation is by Fousesquawk with editing and sub-titling by Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes.

I wonder what Cardinal Bassetti's reaction to that was. Is Italy supposed to welcome them too? Personally, I prefer to extend my Christian charity to the victims of these criminals. In addition, I am fed up with religious institutions like the Catholic church, Pope Francis I, and certain  Protestant churches lecturing us on the need to admit anybody and everybody who shows up on our shores. Our own religious leaders are serving us very badly. Where are Cardinal Bassetti and Pope Francis every time somebody gets murdered or raped by these criminals? Where are they when European Jews are afraid to wear Jewish garb in public because of these poor immigrants they are so concerned about?

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