
Saturday, September 5, 2015

CAIR Michigan Director's Take on Iran Nuke Deal: (We Are the Ones Who Shouldn't Be Trusted)

"Many pundits ask should America trust Iran. Fair question. They don't ask why Iran & other non-aligned nations should trust America."
-Dawud Walid
CAIR Michigan Director

Dawud Walid is the Michigan director of the Council on American Islamic Relations, a despicable group that bills itself as America's largest Muslim civil rights organization. In reality, it is nothing more than a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Walid has his own checkered history consisting of a series of incendiary statements over the years including his defense of Luqman Ameen Abdullah,a radical, violence-espousing Detroit imam who was killed in a shootout with FBI agents a few years ago.

Now comes Walid in the wake of the Iran nuclear arms deal with this tweet in which he dismisses concerns about whether we can trust Iran with a statement that it is the US which cannot be trusted by Iran and those "non-aligned" nations.

Statements like this speak volumes as to the loyalty of Walid and CAIR to our country.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Oh, that's a fair question. Diplomacy is all about people who don't trust each other, nations who don't trust each other, governments who don't trust each other, recognizing that, well, we're not strong enough to take you out, you're not strong enough to take us out, you can hurt us worse than we want to be hurt, we can hurt you worse than you want to be hurt, so, here's where we could make a deal if we keep a watchful eye on each other.

How do you think the transition in South Africa was arrived at?

Gary Fouse said...


You miss my point and my thesis entirely. My point is that Walid and CAIR would rather trust Iran that the US. These are people living in the US who are supposed to be US citizens. Where are their loyalties?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

What they asked is how can Iran trust the U.S.? That is as fair a question as the mindless expostulations coming out of Boehner's and McConnell's offices.