
Monday, September 1, 2014

Summing Things Up at SFSU

Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

When it comes to radicalism on a college campus, San Francisco State University takes a back seat to nobody. What can you say about a place where Amir Abdel Malik Ali was student body president?

Pro-Israel bay Bloggers has cross-linked a series of posts on Israel Thrives that pretty much sums up the happenings at SFSU the past year or so, happenings which raised serious concerns about the safety of Jewish students on campus.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Summing up... what a quaint 70s Maoist term. I'd forgotten that... although I do remember pointing out to Maoists holding anti-Israel fora that Lenin endorsed the Balfour Act and Stalin cast all three of the USSR's votes at the UN in favor of Partition of the British Mandate of Palestine.