"Long Live Hamas! Long Live Jihad. Long live Hizbollah!"
That was what a pro-Palestinian protester shouted into the faces of pro-Israeli protesters today at a demonstration in front of the Federal Building in Westwood. I was there not ten feet away. I heard it, and I saw the man clearly.
It was an ugly scene all around beginning at 1 pm when several hundred people gathered on Wilshire Blvd. They were basically a collection of Arabs and retreads from the 1960s, professional protesters from ANSWER Coalition, an organization dedicated to protesting anything and everything. If you dig women with blue hair and women who don't shave their armpits, this was for you. (Those were the Americans.)
In this demonstration I was there strictly as a cameraman and not openly taking any sides as I wanted to mingle with everyone.
The first thing that happened involved a gentleman who had showed up at the end of the Arab Christian rally with a sign that had insulting statements about the Prophet Mohammad. (This guy shows up at a lot of events in the LA area.) The leaders of the Christian demonstration were not at all pleased with his presence because it was not the message that they wanted to send. At any rate when the Palestinian protest got going, the man was swarmed by several protesters who were chanting in his face. I tried to get the attention of cops or security, but nobody was around. When I returned the man was minus his sign. Eventually, the cops arrived and stayed close to him until he left. All the time he was being harassed, he never budged.
The demonstration came just as the previous demonstration was winding up by several hundred Christian Arabs, Assyrians, Chaldeans and mostly folks from Iraq and Syria who were protesting the genocide against Christians in the Middle East. I will post on that separately.
To sum it up, this pro-Palestinian demonstration featured chants of "Free Free Palestine" and several other top forty hits, which I don't recall. Not much original. There was a guy with the green flag that read in Arabic, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger" (flag of Hamas).
It was when a few dozen pro-Israeli folks showed up that things got ugly. One man and his wife with an Israeli flag were immediately surrounded by demonstrators who got in their faces and screamed at them as they made their way all the way across the street. I stayed close and filmed and at one point tried to get the attention of the LAPD and LASD who were keeping a low profile across Wilshire Blvd.
Unlike the recent pro-Israel protest on July 13, the police did not try to separate the two groups. There were a few hundred pro-Palestinians and a few dozen pro-Israelis. The pro-Palestinians kept crossing the street to confront the pro-Israelis, and at that point, the cops stayed close by. At one point when things were getting tense, I was standing next to a Sheriff's deputy and another deputy came over and told her that if anything happened not to go into the crowd.
Note the man in center with two flags, both reading, "There is but one God, Allah, and Mohammad is his messenger"
At about 3 pm, the crowd crossed the street and started marching west on the north side lane of Wilshire Blvd. with full police escort, cars, motorcycles, helicopters and all. In other words, the west bound lane of Wilshire Blvd was closed for the protesters. The 405 off ramp at Wilshire was also blocked.You would have thought it was a presidential funeral. This was in marked contrast to the July 13 pro-Israel demonstration when people were confined to the sidewalk. Different rules for different people, I guess.
-LA Jewish Journal
Note the flags: Cuba (and Che), Venezuela and, of course, Palestinian
The protest lasted until 5, and the pro-Palestinian contingent had to be escorted by police from the scene as the mob followed yelling, "Shame on you!".
Shame on them. They acted like uncivilized idiots.
I will be posting videos shortly.
When are you posting videos ?
The videos are posted.
Wow are you not a filthy bigoted propagandist.
That girl with the blue hair has more honesty Character and humanity then Zionist israel war criminal supporters like you have the intellectual courage to even understand...And you are an educator? and this DUPLICITOUS?...No wonder the USA if filed with brain dead corporate cubical zombies like yourself...
I know your type...you are one of those people that think all your strength comes form your ability to manipulate people LIE cheat and convoluted everything for the agenda of you and your sick little band of international thugs..
I have your number pal! and you are another garden variety Mindless systems drone Lying for your little place in it...
completely devoid of any sens of personal integrity or the slightest CLUE about the meaning of HONOR..Everything with people like you is about a fraud...
you have no humility because you have no real humanity except what you can FAKE!
Because someone is not some carbon Copy of socially conditioned norms you spew and instigate HATE..YOU and your ISRAEL and your right wing DUMB ignorant mindless Ideology is WHY the world is a mess ITS YOU not some girl with blue HAIR its YOU! look in the mirror next time you LIE and ask yourself who you really are....
i am sure sociopaths like yourself have no problem LYING to yourself either!
My dear Anonymous,
Thank you for verifying every thing I said about the pro-Palestinian protesters. No logical discourse, just chants and crazy emotions like yours.
Good thing you kept yourself anonymous. That is the smartest thing about your comment.
How come you didn't react to my comment about the women with the unshaved armpits? Or maybe that was you.
Anyway, feel free to comment anytime you wish here on Fousesquawk. You are making my case.
Palestine is not a country. Palestine is just a concept that failed.
How did I come to this conclusion?
I could only answer questions 9 and 10 of this questionnaire...
Yashiko Sagamori, A Japanese professor of political science at the University of Tokyo,
Passed a questionnaire to a group of Palestinian attorneys:
"Is the world just plain stupid???
If Palestine is a country, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions on it:
1. When was it founded and by whom?
2. What were its borders?
3. What was its capital?
4. What were its major cities?
5. What was its underlying economy made of?
6. What form did its government have?
7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
8. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at one time or another, leaves no room for interpretation?
9. What was the language of the State of Palestine?
10. What was the most common religion in the State of Palestine?
11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date - what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian currency against the U.S. dollar, German mark, British pound, Japanese yen or Chinese yuan?
12. Since there is no such country today, what caused its destruction and when did it happen?
You mourn the "slow decline" of the “former proud” country." When exactly was this "state" proud and what was it proud about?
13. Are the people you mistakenly call "Palestinians" something other than generic Arabs gathered from everywhere or thrown out of the Arab world?
Do they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination?
Why haven’t thay ever tried to gain independence until the Arabs suffered a crushing defeat in the ‘Six Day’ War?
The Arab countries have never abandoned their dream to destroy Israel. To this day, they cherish this dream in their hearts. They have repeatedly failed to achieve their devious goal by military means and decided to fight Israel - by proxy.
For this purpose, they have created a terrorist organization, cynically called it "The Palestinian people" and placed it in Gaza, Judea and Samaria.
How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to take back the "West Bank" and Gaza in a dignified manner and unconditionally?
The fact is, that the Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim for nationality than that Indian tribe which successfully appeared in Connecticut with plans to open a tax free casino; At least that tribe had a constructive goal that pushed him.
The “Palestinians” supposedly have only one motivation: to destroy Israel, and in my book, it’s not enough to be treated as a ”nation"or anything other than what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled".
A Japanese professor of political science, an objective, interest-free genius.
Now let's go back to my first three lines...
Im still spot on ...and you know it...
I wish you success in your future endeavors, but here is a bit of advice.
Stay anonymous..
Yee Gads! Don't you have anything better to do with your time than write this drivel? I guess that's why you belong to ANSWER-people who are professional protesters.
Unlike you I sign my name to everything I write-that's because I wouldn't be embarrassed by my words.
BTW: You aren't that sickly-looking girl with the tattoos who crossed over the street to shout at the pro-Israel folks, were you?
Of course. I have a fair idea of who it is, but it doesn't matter. Probably some misfit from the ANSWER Coalition, a gang of old 60s retread commies who will protest anything that comes down the pike.
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