
Monday, July 14, 2014

Update on the Arrests in Westwood Yesterday.

Hat tip LA Jewish Journal

-LA Jewish Journal

The LA Jewish Journal has an update on the arrest of four men involved in an assault at the pro-Israel demonstration yesterday along with their names and photos of the incident as well as a better video. The officer who fired his weapon is now identified as a Federal Protective Services officer.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Sounds like a good police response.

Findalis said...

Since when is a Jew safe anywhere in the world? It is 1938 and tomorrow the round up begins.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The great Chicago pogrom of 2014?

Oh, wait, Findalis is the arm chair critic, seeing pogroms everywhere else, enjoying the masochistic ecstasies of martyrdom from the comfort of her well appointed home.

You're not alone, Findalis, there is a type of Roman Catholic, and politicized Protestant, who do the same thing.