
Friday, April 18, 2014

Hey Corey Saylor! Answer Your Mail!

Corey Saylor is the CAIR official responsible for legislative affairs in Washington. That means his job is putting pressure on members of Congress. Recently, he gave a speech in Maine on how sharia law is compatible with US law and posted an almost verbatim copy of it on the CAIR website and his own personal blog (Corey Saylor Personal Blog).

Louis Palme wrote a detailed response to it, which I posted, based on his own knowledge of the topic.

Yesterday, I took the opportunity to visit Mr Saylor's own personal blog, specifically the post he put up on sharia law. There were no comments as yet posted. I posted this in the comment thread:

Mr Saylor,

Interesting article. Can you explain the part of sharia law called "hudud sharia"? I am told it refers to "Crimes against God" and addresses offenses such as apostasy, blasphemy, adultery, and homosexuality. Is it true that sharia mandates death for these offenses?


(My name should have appeared in the sign-in part, and he could have easily linked to my blog as we have the same server.)

So it is a respectful, straight forward question. As of this writing, my question has not been posted on his site as he has the ability to screen and delete comments.

So what about it, Mr Saylor? Of course I already know the answer to my simple yes or no question (Yes). You can affirm the point, argue the point, refute it, respond with an attack against me while ignoring the question, or, as I suspect, you can simply delete the question.

But the question is on record, Sir. If you believe that sharia law is compatible with democracy and US law, please explain how the above reconciles with your assertion.

You can respond either on your blog or mine, but your silence will be duly noted..

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Sharia is compatible with American constitutional democracy to the extent that one's interpretation of Sharia does not conflict with American constitutional mandates. Sharia is incompatible with American constitutional democracy to the extent that one's interpretation of Sharia mandates individual actions that are incompatible with American constitutional mandates.

Its a bit like asking whether a Roman Catholic can be a citizen of a democratic republic. It depends entirely on what your understanding of the requirements of being a Roman Catholic might be. The Know-Nothings weren't entirely wrong, but fortunately, most Catholic immigrants rose above the ideology that the Know-Nothings assumed were universal.