
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Benghazi: CIA Lost 2 Employees-No Internal Investigation

"That decision was based on a determination that the concerns raised fell under the purview of the State Department's Accountability Review Board, and that a separate OIG action could unnecessarily disrupt the FBI's criminal investigation into the Benghazi attacks," the spokesman said.

This is stunning. The CIA lost two of their employees on that September 11 evening at Benghazi. Yet, amazingly, the agency has not bothered to conduct its own internal investigation. It appears that it deferred to the State Department's Accountability Review Board, which never even interviewed then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

As a former DEA agent who served 3 years in Thailand and 5 in Italy, had I been killed in the line of duty overseas-or even been involved in a firefight, DEA would not have simply let the State Department do the investigation. DEA's own inspectors would have been investigating alongside State investigators. I could list countless  internal investigations carried out by DEA inspectors overseas concerning actions of overseas-stationed personnel.

This simply doesn't wash.


Squid said...

You just do not get it Gary. The CIA is too busy spying on Senator Feinstein to be bothered with the disappearance of two of their own. And, to quote Hillary Clinton: "At this point, what difference does it make".

Seriously, we are in a Constitutional crisis with a President who is abusing power and intimidating those employees under his command. One either obeys or like the Generals he has forced to retire or fire, you are removed from the job.


elwood p suggins said...

At just about any other time and place, this would be unbelievable. Today, it appears to be SOP.