
Saturday, November 16, 2013

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Outdoes Them All

Hat tip PJ Media

Martin Bashir of MSNBC is so off the wall he makes Ed Schultz look reasonable. Here he pounces on a comment by Sarah Palin that our growing debt to China will become a form of slavery to well, I can't say it here on a family blog, but you can watch the tape below.

Well, I don't really get the connection, Martin, but if you want to quote slavery in Jamaica, that's on your country, Britain, n'est pas? And what an imagination you have dragging up those awful stories to try and make an analogy to Sarah Palin and imply that she deserves the same fate. I wonder if Martin has been reading my account of this week's sentencing of pervert LA school teacher Mark Berndt.

Strange dude, this Martin Bashir.

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