
Friday, November 29, 2013

Fjordman: Islamic Terrorists in the West and the West's Continued Denial

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

Fjordman is a pseudonym for a Norwegian man who was studying Arabic in Egypt until the 9-11 attacks and left in disgust when he saw Egyptians celebrating. Back in Norway, he lives in an undisclosed location due to numerous threats on his life. He also has to be concerned about Norwegian authorities, who may slap him in jail for what they call "hate speech".

In this essay, Fjordman begins with a description of Somali immigrants to Norway who took part in the Kenya mall massacre. He also describes the refusal of the leadership of his country and the West in general to call Islamic terrorism for what it is preferring instead to focus on "Islamophobia" by those who react quite naturally to all the horrors.

Here is more specifically on Norway from Vlad Tepes. It describes the rape epidemic in Norway, the refusal of the left to speak out, and the courage of one Muslim immigrant to do just that-speak out.

Comment: By refusing to openly address the reality of the threat, are we not, in addition, doing a disservice to peaceful Muslims who wish this violence and hate would disappear from Islam altogether? It takes real courage for them to speak out and take on the jihadists and Islamists who seek to impose their domination on the rest of us. They need our support. Perhaps, if they knew our societies would support them, there would be more speaking out. Alas, we are not doing so.


Gary Fouse said...

"Perhaps, but for all your pious denials, you present this as a problem with Islam, not with people who are using Islam as a cover for their criminal activity."

Siarlys, If that were true, this would be the greatest criminal conspiracy since the mafia.

The "cover" lies in the texts.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The Mafia were devout Roman Catholics, and their cover lay in certain texts as well. Good analogy Gary.

Gary Fouse said...

Devout Roman catholics? You have been watching too many Godfather movies. They never thought when they killed someone they were doing it to please God.

It was strictly business.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I recall a burglary of an RC church in Brooklyn in 1973, which took some valuable gold altar adornments. Certain mafiosi who worshipped at that church put the word out on the street, and the items were promptly returned. The priest beamed with delight.