
Monday, September 9, 2013

Porn Professor at Pasadena City College Had Sex With Student (Duh)

Hat tip Campus Reform

Back in March, I cross-posted a story by Campus Reform about a professor named Hugo Schwyzer at Pasadena City College who was bringing porn stars into his classroom.

Now Campus Reform reports that the professor has admitted having sex with a female student. And the college is shocked. SHOCKED.

When you have teachers bringing porn into their classrooms, don't be surprised when you find your teachers having sex with the students.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

When we writes "women" in his statement below. That means more than one student. This guy is a pervert and academia accepted him, no matter what the evidence of what was included in his classes was disclosed.

“I was fraudulent in that I stated it was wrong for older men to have sexual relationships with younger women,” he said. “But in practice I continued to have relationships with women who were young enough to be my daughter and there’s a lot of fraud and hypocrisy in that.”

Soon academia will share the same approval ratings that are held about politicians, lawyers, used car salesmen, and pornographers.