Greta Berlin
What is it about these anti-Israel events that they try to stop their opponents from filming their speeches when they are public events taking place at a public university? Twice in the past months, I have been told I could not film events at UC Irvine (by the Muslim Student Union and Students for Justice in Palestine). In both cases, I informed them of the law and continued to film.
Now comes Greta Berlin, an anti-Israel activist and leader of the "Free Gaza Movement" speaking at Florida Atlantic University on February 6. Tom Trento and members of The United West were told by a campus cop that filming was prohibited.
Great Berlin
Trento did the right thing. He informed the cop that he was in the wrong, but in the end, followed the cop's orders-and got it all on film. It is now up to Florida Atlantic University to address the incident. It is unlawful to prohibit filming at a public event in public space at a public university.
As for Berlin, here is a sample of what a toxic character she is (hat tip The Blaze).
That's right, folks. It was those Zionists who carried out the Holocaust according to nut jobs like Greta Berlin.
Funny how leftists and their "Palestine" liberation allies are all for the 1st Amd. until it is not convenient for them.
One news agency said the event at Brooklyn College was closed to the press. This doesn't make much sense. But apparently the student organizers could do that so I assume it must be legal to bar cameras if the organizers want that in different states.
Is there any clear law that show recording is legal in all states at public universities at public events?
"In both cases, I informed them of the law and continued to film."
Yup, that's the way to do it.
Best line from Greta Berlin talking in Berkeley a few months back; "I was married for 14 years to a Jew. If anybody has the right to be anti-Semitic - I do! "
And apparently she is just that. I wonder how her ex feels about Gentiles after being married to her.
Keep in mind that when Robert Spencer and Nonie Darwish spoke at UC Irvine several weeks back, 4-5 members of the MSU filmed Spencer's talk then left. It was their right to do so, but then they try to stop others from filming their events.
Logic and consistency is not exactly their strong points. It is amazing they just don't admit their duplicity. Then again they aren't trying to convert logical people.
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