
Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Guide Book for Teachers Who Indoctrinate

Hat tip American Thinker

Campus Watch reporter Cinnaman Stillwell and Rima Greene have written an article for American Thinker on a book written by one of our myriad of university/high school teachers who use their classroom as a bully pulpit to advance their political ideas, specifically to spread propaganda against the state of Israel.

Marcy Jane Knopf-Newman. Where does this woman get off using her status as an English teacher to impose her views of the world upon her students? I am also an English teacher.  I assure you that while I am full of political ideas and participate in on-campus events with political implications (usually involving bashing Israel), I keep my personal views out of the classroom. My job is to help my students improve their English not tell them what they should think about the world. 

In my view, Marcy JK-N is an indoctrinator, not an educator.

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