
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Neighborhood Watches in London

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and The Commentator

If you think you can walk through certain parts of London with alcohol-think again. In areas inhabited predominantly by Muslims they have "Muslim patrols" and alcohol is "haram" (forbidden).

* Update: Well, as you can see, YouTube has removed the video. This raises the question of who is bullying, threatening and harassing whom?


Maggiemae said...

Your UTube box now has a message that it has been removed-how ironic!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

As I've mentioned before, for many centuries in areas where the government was officially Muslim, including the Ottoman Empire, large cities had Greek quarters, Armenian Quarters, Jewish Quarters, etc. Within these quarters, ethnic and religious leaders ruled "their own people" and in a sense, for its time, it worked. I suspect Muslim immigrants to Britain think of this arrangement as so self-evidently right that it does not even compute that there is something wrong with it by modern British lights.

That's how violent misunderstandings often begin: two sides that don't even comprehend why the other is being so unreasonable.

This should be talked out openly if the matter is to be resolved.

Of course a state-within-a-state is antithetical to modern liberal governance. But if someone opened a pig farm right next to a synagogue, there might also be a modest outcry.