Can't make this stuff up, folks. Once again, the University of California at Irvine (where I have taught part-time for 14 years) has suffered another black eye.
Amid all the horrors going on in Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and on and on and on, the student government at UC Irvine has unanimously passed a resolution calling for divestiture by UCI from companies doing business with the state of Israel.
All requests may be typed and submitted to the Executive Vice President no later 5:00 p.m. Thursday in order to be included in the agenda for the following Tuesday. The Executive Vice President reserves the right to delay the Request for Action to a later Council session if the Executive Vice President feels the agenda for the next schedule meeting is full.
Item Number: 16Legislation Number (B: Bill, R: Resolution):
Divestment from Companies that Profit from Apartheid

WHEREAS, it is UC Irvine’s duty to maintain the values of “respect, intellectual curiosity, integrity, commitment, and empathy” which includes the promotion of human rights, equality, and dignity for all people without distinction# ;
WHEREAS, it is the mission of the UCI Foundation to “ensure the appropriate use of all funds” in order to uphold the values of respect, intellectual curiosity, integrity, commitment appreciation, and empathy #;
WHEREAS, students have a legacy of standing against oppression and injustice at UC Irvine and across the U.S.;

Egyptian church bombing
WHEREAS, the role of student activists in exposing South Africa’s apartheid system and supporting equality, freedom, and dignity sets an example for us to follow as students of global conscience;
WHEREAS, as the example of South Africa shows, it is imperative for students to stand unequivocally against all forms of racism and bigotry globally and on campus, including but not limited to Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia, patriarchy, and Israel’s system of apartheid;
Gays hanged in Iran Stoning in Iran
WHEREAS, the occupied Palestinian Territory is controlled militarily by the Israeli government#;
WHEREAS, certain companies have promoted and been complicit in these ongoing human rights violations systematically committed by the Israeli government, which have been documented by human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Al-Haq, Defense for Children International, Addameer, B’tselem, Adalah, Badil, and the Israeli Coalition Against Home Demolitions;
Chabad House in Mumbai
WHEREAS, according to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), “the construction by Israel of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its associated régime are contrary to international law”#;
WHEREAS, according to the same ICJ decision, the establishment and expansion of settlements in the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem is also illegal by international law#;
Israeli bus bombed in Jerusalem
WHEREAS, according to the UN General Assembly’s application of the Fourth Geneva Convention to occupied Palestinian territory, the establishment and expansion of settlements “ Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially settlement activities...remain contrary to international law and cannot be recognized, irrespective of the passage of time”#;
Fogel family massacre
WHEREAS, a US Department of State official said that the US policy “on Israeli settlements has not changed and will not change. Like every American administration for decades, we do not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement activity.”#;
WHEREAS, according to the UN General Assembly’s application of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the exploitation of natural resources in the occupied Palestinian territory is also illegal by international law#;
WHEREAS, these violations of human rights and international law have been recognized and have resulted in the condemnation of the state of Israel by the international community in the UN Security Council, Human Rights Council Fact-Finding mission in Gaza, and the above mentioned governmental bodies and organizations, which consequently resulted in dozens of resolutions concerning the state of Israel (i.e. 106, 111, 127, 162, 171, 228, 237, 248, 250-252, 256, 259, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 279, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 317, 332, 337, 347, 425, 427, 444, 446, etc.);
WHEREAS, our university invests in, and thereby profits from companies, which have an active role in the human rights abuse and institutionalized structural violence against the Palestinian people, thereby making it a complicit third-party;
WHEREAS, these companies have been previously engaged by various solidarity campaigns and concerned investors about their complicit involvement in the previously mentioned human rights violations of the Palestinian people to no avail;
WHEREAS, the following illustrative and non-exhaustive list of companies, which the university invests in, plays a role in these human rights violations;

WHEREAS, Caterpillar has helped sustain the occupation by providing engineering tools and bulldozers to destroy Palestinian houses, neighborhoods (in refugee camps), agriculture, and water cisterns#;
WHEREAS, Caterpillar has also provided engineering tools and bulldozers to expand illegal settlements and construct the Wall and checkpoints#;
WHEREAS, Cement Roadstones Holding (CRH) has also contributed to the construction of military checkpoints, the Wall, and the settlement enterprise by providing cement and other building material#;
WHEREAS, CRH and Cemex have supplied building materials used to build illegal settlements, the Wall, and checkpoints #;

WHEREAS, Cemex also illegally owns and operates manufacturing plants in West Bank settlements, exploiting Palestinian natural resources in violation of international law#;
WHEREAS, General Electric Company (GE) manufactures and supplies engines for A64 Apache Helicopters, systematically used by the Israeli military; in attacks on Palestinian civilians which constitute severe human rights violations and war crimes# ;
Iranian nuclear facility
WHEREAS, Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) has supported restricting the freedom of movement of the Palestinian peoples within the West Bank by providing biometric identification systems used in the Israeli military checkpoints#;
WHEREAS, Raytheon’s guided missiles were used to ruthlessly level civilian dense regions during Operation Cast Lead#;
WHEREAS, Sodastream operates its main manufacturing plant in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank# ;
WHEREAS, L-3 Communications has provided the Israeli occupation with equipment used in military checkpoints throughout the occupied West Bank, used to promote the dehumanization and humiliation of the Palestinians; to take away Palestinian freedom of movement between Palestinian towns and cities; to fragmentize and strangle the Palestinian economy# ;

LET IT BE RESOLVED, that ASUCI will further examine its assets and UC assets for investments in companies that a) provide military support for, or weaponry to, support the occupation of the Palestinian territory or b) facilitate the building or maintenance of the illegal wall or the demolition of Palestinian homes, or c) facilitate the building, maintenance, or economic development of illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory;
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED, that we call upon, our university, the University of California Treasury, and the UCI Foundation to divest their holdings from these aforementioned companies;
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED, that if its found that UCI funds or UC funds are being invested in any of the above mentioned companies, UCI will divest, and will advocate that the UC system divests, all stocks and securities of such companies with the goal of maintaining the divestment, in the case of said companies, until they cease these specific practices. Moreover, UCI will not make further investments, and will advocate that the UC system not make further investments, in any companies materially supporting or profiting from Israel’s occupation in the above-mentioned ways;
LET IT FINALLY BE RESOLVED, that we, the students, call upon our university to dissociate itself from groups or companies that promote systematic prejudiced oppression, whether this system targets people based on their religion, gender, race or orientation, by divesting from companies that participate in or profit from human rights violations.
As if Israel is the problem in the region. Here is the reaction from the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism with a video of the vote.
And last but not least, the unindicted co-conspirators at CAIR have congratulated the students for their action.
Greater Los Angeles Area November 14, 2012 CAIR-LA Congratulates UC Irvine Students On Passing Divestment Resolution (ANAHEIM - 11/14/12) --The Council on American-Islamic Relations Greater Los Angeles Chapter congratulates a diverse coalition of student groups and leaders at the University of California Irvine for passing legislation urging the university to divest from companies that assist the Israeli military in its occupation of Palestine. Last night, more than 100 students from various campus groups celebrated after UCI's student government unanimously voted in favor of the resolution. SEE: UCI Students Vote to Divest From Israel SEE: UC Irvine Student Leaders Urge UC to Divest From Some Companies "CAIR-LA congratulates UCI students for their proactive and courageous efforts to advocate for justice, even after their university had 11 students arrested and unjustly punished last year for exercising their right to freedom of speech in front of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren," said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush. -END-
The only thing missing is a telegram from Hamas.
What idiocy reigns supreme on our university campuses. However, before we blame the students themselves, we should point the finger of blame at the adults who are responsible for educating them.
I wonder if they will pull out all the HP equipment they have? Or if they will get rid of their cellphones which were developed and created in Israel.
Or get rid of their generic drugs? After all TEVA the company that manufactures 90% of the generic drugs, is located and manufactures the drugs in Israel.
I can go on. But this reminds me of Germany under Hitler.
Perhaps this student government group will have the decency to pass a resolution recommending divestment from companies that manufacture plastic explosives, nails, screws, ball bearings, rat poison, and other materials used by Palestinian terrorist organizations to make their rockets and bombs?
I'm not holding my breath.
WHEREAS, as the example of South Africa shows, it is imperative for students to stand unequivocally against all forms of racism and bigotry globally and on campus, including but not limited to...
This is the key fault line in the entire letter. The example of South Africa shows what is useful in dealing with the situation in South Africa. It is no guide at all to the appropriate response to "all forms of racism and bigotry" -- which are not even the same thing. That's why there is a separate word for each.
Nor is it a blueprint for responding to any number of other global ills.
South Africa was a nation which limited the franchise to less than 25 percent of its native-born citizens, solely on the basis of skin color and ethnicity, as a permanent constitutional arrangement.
Whatever the errors in judgement by the government of Israel, it is not remotely comparable.
Trying to boycott companies who "do business with" homophobia, Islamophobia, etc. would be even more difficult. And as Gary accurately points out, it becomes difficult to consistently opposed Islamaphobia and homophobia at the same time...
Findalis, the cell phone was invented by an American named Dr. Martin Cooper in New York City in 1973.
Jews often steal and claim credit for American inventions like the cell phone and the Intel Pentium Chip and attribute it to their home country of Israel.
The cellphone that was invented in 1973 is known as the Brick
Look at the cell phone today. From the electronics in it to the camera in the phone it was all invented in Israel as an alternative to the Brick. BTW Instant Messaging (the precursor to text messaging.) was invented in Israel too.
If you want to use an non-Israeli invention use the brick.
Siarlys Jenkins makes a good point.
Dumb legislation by students who propbabaly really don't understand the conflict. Maybe some do but I do not believe all 16 do.
If they did understand the conflict, they would see that one side is not all to blame and would have have produced a measure with some semblance of balance and that called for a two state solution.
What a dopey ass statement by Hussam Ayloush.
I see he is still trying to work the angle that the "Irvine 11" were practicing legitimate rights of free speech by going to a lecture hall and shouting down the speaker with the intention of shutting down the event.
Few people thought the students should not have been punished by the university. Only dipwads like Ayloush thought that type of boorish behavior would be appropriate where the students should not have had to face any consequences.
The controversy was if the students should have be criminally prosecuted and the administration of UC Irvine didn't have a say in that matter as far as I could tell. That was the D.A. call. Many professors wrote a petition against criminal prosecution.
I wonder if Ayloush is out of touch with reality or intentionally is trying to be deceptive with his statement.
"I wonder if Ayloush is out of touch with reality or intentionally is trying to be deceptive with his statement."
I would guess the latter.
Most things that were invented in America in the past like cell phones, televisions, computers, airplanes, etc. look very different today.
Findalis and the Jews need to stop stealing America's accomplishments. Next thing Israel will be claiming to have landed the first men on the moon.
Hey anonymous 007,
Can you tell me anything the Palestinians have ever invented?
Oh I forgot-the suicide vest.
We didn't? I always thought Neil Armstrong was one of the tribe!
Nope Gary. The suicide vest was a Soviet invention.
What a coincidence. It was in the 1940s that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin broadcasting to the Middle East urging his listeners to drive the Jews out while also organizing a Bosnian SS division.
Well duh Gary.
Since the British took over Palestine after WW1 the Arabs saw their lands swamped with Jewish immigrants from Europe.
An unlike the vast majority of Hispanics who enter America illegally, the Jews had plans of taking over the region (see Zionism and Theodore Herzl).
The Jews did invent Communism though.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Take your pick between the Irgun and Black September.
But closer to home...
George Bush's terrorists were Ronald Reagan's freedom fighters.
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