
Friday, August 3, 2012

Obama Campaign Sues to Limit Military Voting Rights in Ohio

Hat tip and Atlas Shrugs

This sounds like shades of the 2000 Florida election re-count when Democrats were pulling every trick in the book to get military absentee ballots thrown out-and largely succeeded. Now, as the Justice Department is suing various states to strike down voter ID laws (so dead folks, convicted felons and illegal aliens can vote early and often), the Obama campaign and the Democratic party  is fighting an Ohio measure that  gives military personnel three extra days to get their ballots in. has the report.

"Why would they do that?" you ask. Simple. Just as in 2000, the Dems know that the overwhelming majority of the military vote for the Republicans.

But there is more. Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs has been writing for some time on the activities of Lema Bashir, who, in her position at the Department of Justice, was reportedly  in the middle of a 2008 snafu in which military personnel from Virginia did not get their ballots in time for the election as well  as a similar snafu in the 2010 elections.

Regarding Lema Bashir, when I queried the DOJ Civil Rights web site and punched in her name, I got two responses: The first was a 2008 document referring to the 2008 Virginia issue, and the second was a 2010 document pertaining to the 2010 absentee ballot issue-specifically as to Wisconsin. In both cases, Bashir is listed as a DOJ trial attorney. (Bashir was evidently employed at DOJ prior to the election of President Obama.)

Maybe that is all just a coincidence. I know one thing, however. It is obvious that the Democrats fear the military vote. They have good reason to. That they would try trickery and lawfare to deny military personnel, especially those serving overseas, their right to get their ballots in on time and be counted is beyond shameful.

1 comment:

Squid said...

This effort to reduce the chances of having our Military personnel vote, on the part of BHO, President of the United States, should send a clear message to those who serve our country. It is not a good message. Some of our military personnel are in jails, due to Obama, for questioning his eligibility to be the POTUS. With Obama allowing his first publicist to present a bio (by Obama) that he is "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia" (which is the title of his never completed book), these military personnel would have a case for their release. I do not know why they do not try to free themselves.
