In the midst of all the ad hominem smear ads being put out attacking Mitt Romney, President Obama's stooges at MSNBC continue to campaign for their guy. This week, the ever-prickly Chris Matthews took offense at a pro-Romney ad that criticized President Obama on a policy issue having to do with welfare. Specifically, Obama has now rolled back the work requirement for welfare recipients that President Clinton had put in place. Matthews thinks the ad is racist "code".
Here is the ad:
Chris Matthews must be using his special Red Ryder secret de-coder ring if he thinks there is racism in that ad. We don't need Matthews to tell us that there are plenty of white people on welfare or receiving government assistance. I would submit that if Matthews makes a connection between welfare and black people, that's his problem.
Criticizing a candidate based on policy differences is perfectly valid. In fact, it is the proper way to campaign rather than engage in personal smears. That is exactly what the Obama campaign is doing to Romney. This man is being accused of being a "felon", a tax-cheat, and a cold-hearted capitalist who caused the death of some woman in Kansas City who died of cancer. But criticizing Obama for a policy decision he made is "racist" because it involved welfare.
Meanwhile, White House spokeshole Jay Carney is calling the ad "dishonest", as is Ms. Honesty herself, Obama campaign advisor Stephanie Cutter, she of the recent smear about Romney's "complicity" in the cancer death of Joe Soptic's wife.
Maybe Chris Matthews needs a new de-coder ring, right Larry Elder?
"Chris Matthews, you've got a weak show."
Sour grapes, Mr. Fouse, sour grapes.
The Obama team has played the race card ever since the primary race against Hillary Clinton. The notion was that this country was so racist that a black man could never get elected. Now that has been disproved definitively.
We have had more race issues since Obama was elected. Holder and the DOJ, among other departments, puts race at the top of the agenda.
Read the book INJUSTICE about Holder's "Justice" Dept.
Now they are playing it again! It has become so predictable. It is surprising it hasn't worn through already.
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