
Friday, July 20, 2012

ABC Jumps the Gun on the Colorado Shooting

As we woke to the news of last night's shooting in Aurora, Colorado that has killed at least 12 people, ABC's Good Morning America wasted no time in speculating about the shooter's motives.

The Tea Party.

Brian Ross told GMA's George Stephanopoulos on air that he had found a James Holmes listed on the Aurora Tea Party web page.

You can access the video of Ross' comments on the below link from Politico.

I wonder whatever prompted Ross to go to the Tea Party website(s) looking for a connection since to date there has been no incident of violence committed by anyone associated with the Tea Party (at least that I know of). In addition, James Holmes is hardly an uncommon name. Thank God his name wasn't John Smith.

At this point, it appears that this is a different, much younger James Holmes than the one Ross came up with. ABC has rightfully apologized.

I suggest we all sit back and let the police give us more information on this person. We'll learn soon enough what his motive was.

In the meantime, I suggest Mr Ross check out this lead: Is it possible that this Holmes who is in custody is any relation to the late porn star, Johnnie Holmes (aka Johnnie Wad)?


Squid said...


It must be understood, one cannot "waste a crisis". Piers Morgan is one of the first to take advantage of using the crisis by stating that more gun control is needed. Bloomberg of NY is not too far behind by writing a letter to Obama, recommending harsher gun control measures.

What is needed is: "Threat Assessment" of the perpetrators, prior to the event. There will be facts surrounding the Colorado shooter and we will see that a trail of troubling signs that should have been used in a behavioral profile of this very dangerous man.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah, and Tea Party Christian congressmen are getting into the act too. Here is a good conservative take on the culture war implications:

Miggie said...

The left is obsessed with the Tea Party. I suppose they have good reason, considering their sweep of the last national election in 2010. Despite all the lack of evidence that they are violent in any way (especially compared to the Occupy movement) the left immediately searches the Tea Party rolls and anything that can tie this shooter to them will be broadcast immediately... without any attempt to determine the accuracy.
That's what they WANT to believe so that is what they report... all in the hope that some dumb schmucks will latch on the the theory.

How any thinking person can be on the left or stay on the left after the destruction wrought by this leftist president is beyond my comprehension.

I suppose that is just the racist in me writing this. Every disagreement with the president is racist, didn't you know?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

You're not a racist Miggie, you're a misanthrope.

Squid: when do you catch YOUR flight to London?

There is no left in this country, but Miggie is right that the Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party. It doesn't really amount to much, but it makes good cover for the obsessive errors of the leadership, which is what has lost them perfectly winnable elections.

elwood p suggins said...

Well, here we go again. Can’t wait to see/hear all the anti-gunners (the usual suspects) start chiming in about gun control/banning due to the actions of one fool. What they ignore is that something like 98.5% (or more) of law-abiding U.S. gun owners use something like 99.5% (or more) of their guns in a perfectly legal manner, to include, as one example only, employing them some 3-4 times as often to prevent crime as they are used criminally by the bad guys like this idiot.

They will continue to ignore the fact that since more and more states have started enacting some version of “right to carry” or “CCW” over the past several years, rates of violent “index” personal crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) have decreased in the large majority of most jurisdictions nationwide, while property crimes (burglary, auto theft) have increased in those same areas. Certainly anyone with a room temperature IQ should be able to figure out that the mopes have, at least for the most part, figured out that they cannot tell for sure who is armed and who is not, so they consciously turn to property crimes, where they are much less likely to encounter an armed citizen. This has been further confirmed by any number of interviews/interrogations of the mopes.

They will continue to ignore the fact that in the main (with some exceptions which do not disprove the rule), locales with the most restrictive gun laws (Washington, DC, Chicago, New York City, etc.) have significantly higher gun crime rates than the areas that have less restrictive measures in place. Again, not much rocket science here, either.
Who would be unable to see that by definition, las-abiding victims in rhe restrictive cities would be very significantly less likely to be able to defend themselves against crime?

With regard to Gary’s reference to Tea Party violence, I have heard a lot said about demonstrations/exhibitions of both violence and racism at various Tea Party outings. While this certainly may well have occurred, I must say that I have no recall of ever seeing any TV coverage in this regard, but may have just missed it somehow. Among the things I have personally have not seen, although it might be out there, is a poster/picture of Mr. Obama with crosshairs on him and a bleeding bullet hole in his forehead, as was frequently spotted among lib/Dem/leftie gatherings throughout George W. Bush’s time in office.

Miggie said...

Well, Suggins, I have been to several Tea Party rallies and they are the farthest thing from violent you can imagine. They say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the National Anthem and have some speakers. Then they clean up the place and leave.

Some identified as Tea Party members have booed and cheered various politicians. They have stood up and argued with the leftist Democrat who tried to tell them how good ObamaCare would be for them. US citizens have the right, under the First Amendment, to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for a redress if grievances. (That wouldn't include an Occupy riot.)

I heard about and saw one video where they booed some democratic politicians and there was a claim someone spit at one of them or used a racist remark. None of this was ever seen or substantiated, despite 5 and 6 figure offers to prove this happened and all the cell phone cameras around. The rewards still go unclaimed. This violence from the Tea Party is something completely made up by the left.

On the other hand, you can go to any Youtube video on the Occupy movement and you will witness them smashing windows, destroying property, and other violent acts.

It is pretty amazing there are no violent acts from the Tea Party members, considering the size of the movement but again, the kind of people that populate the Tea Party just don't go in for that sort of thing. So you won't see a video of it on TV.

I also haven't seen any poster/picture of Mr. Obama with crosshairs on him and a bleeding bullet hole in his forehead either and I never heard of one. Although I remember a lot of BUSHHITLER posters and such when President Bush was in office. I suppose they are projecting that kind of behavior on the Tea Party in an attempt to excuse their own despicable behavior.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

We know there are two measures that will NOT prevent incidents like this:

1) Banning or severely restricting private gun ownership.

2) Allowing unrestricted concealed or unconcealed carry.

Findalis said...

12 murdered in Colorado. Big Deal! That is a quiet Saturday Night here in Chicago. Yet the media is silent on the subject. So is the good Reverend Al and Jesse.

BTW: Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country. It doesn't stop the killings. It doesn't stop the murder of children.