Nonie Darwish Simon Deng
This week, the David Horowitz Freedom Foundation sponsored a speaking appearance by Nonie Darwish, Simon Deng, Pam Geller and Robert Spencer at Temple University in Philadelphia. As expected, they received less than polite treatment-especially from one loudmouth clown who didn't want them to have their say. Frontpage Magazine has posted the video of the event.
By the way, Darwish, who is a Muslim apostate and founder of Former Muslims United, was mentioned on this site a few days ago in connection with the Sharia workshop last week at Loyola Marymount University. In 2009, her group sent a letter to 100 top Muslim leaders in the US asking them to sign the Freedom Pledge, that no apostate from Islam in the US should be harmed for leaving the religion. Among those who received the letter and did not sign it were Muzammil Siddiqi, head imam of the Islamic Center of Southern California, who organized the Loyola event. It was at that event that I asked him why he didn't sign it. His answer was that he never received it.
Anyone should receive a polite reception and uninterrupted use of the microphone, with or without a picket line outside.
To refer to any of these high-strung narcissists as purveyors of "truth" is delusional at best. I'm not surprised they received a cool reception.
David Horowitz and Freedom in the same title is a bit oxymoronic. He speaks with all the authority of one who has made self-admitted grevious errors, and aspires to spend the rest of his life making a good living telling us all how foolish he was. Get a job, man.
Do Darwish and Deng not speak with authority? Darwish lives under a fatwa. Deng lived as a slave.
They speak with authority of their own personal experiences, and the specific local communities and ethnicities within which they lived.
To accept them as authoritative sources on Islam, in toto and per se, is rather like considering Marjo an authority on the entire history of Christianity, and on the integrity of the entire Christian faith, world wide.
There is, incidentally, no central clearing house for the legitimacy of a fatwa. It is rather like a contract put out by a Mafia don. It doesn't mean every Italian is gunning for the target.
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