
Thursday, May 5, 2011

More on the Rauf Appearance at UCLA

Scott Jacobs of DemoCast media was at Royce Hall at UCLA last night covering the appearance of Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf. Before and after the event, patriotic acitivists were outside selling videos of the 9-11 Ground Zero mosque project produced by Robert Spencer and Pam Geller. After the event, yours truly was interviewed by Jacobs, which appears in the below video. Watch and listen as three idiots break into the interview and what one older idiot says.  Hat tip to DemoCast Media for the video.


Squid said...

A very good job of reporting on Imam Rauf and the Ground Zero Mosque. I will not comment on the issue, because it as been very well covered. But, I will comment on you, Gary. First, the beard adds to your presence and the So.Cal. shirt was nice. Yet, there was something missing. The missing piece was your eye patch, which did add a bit of intrigue. Just the like the "Dos Equis" beer commercial, the eye patch adds to the mystery. So, next week, I expect a Gary Fouse with an eye patch. "Stay thirsty my friend!"


Gary Fouse said...


There was a valid reason for the eye patch since I had a torn retina at the time and wore it for about two weeks. I must say, however, that I got a lot of looks from the ladies when I entered a pub. Made me consider keeping it.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

What is a sensible, rational, well-balanced, man like Gary Fouse -- who was not identified by name in the video, but whose words identified him to any reader of this column -- what is he doing mixed up with the paranoid, ignorant, hysterics of the other on-the-street interviews?

Geller evidences somewhat less knowledge of Islam than could be found in a Wikipedia article, and that's a low bar. The man who said he was there to offer "another viewpoint" offered nothing to bolster the accuracy of his viewpoint -- everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has... various other appendages and orifices.

I was particularly taken with the ignorant little miss who expressed inability to tell Rauf from bin Laden. Ummm... Rauf has never hijacked a plane, nor trained or directed anyone else to do so. Rauf is not known to have killed one person, let along 3000. Rauf has never declared war on the United States. Rauf has no felony charges pending against him... bin Laden has never described the Declaration of Independence as a Shariah-compliant document. I think that will be sufficient to explain why one man is an invited guest speaker, and the other was just taken out by a Navy Seals team.

Gary, you misdescribed that video as "about the 9-11 mosque." Judging by its cover, which was designed by its producers, it is more about feeling outraged that 9-11 happened, which suggests it provides little or no enlightenment on building a religious center in Manhattan. Geller is running a classic Joseph Goebbels campaign: repeat a lie often enough, and people will believe it.

Gary Fouse said...


Have you seen the video? I have. In fact, I saw it at an event in which Geller and Robert Spencer presented it. It goes into detail about Rauf and the people involved in the project.

Let me explain the difference between Rauf and bin Laden. The latter was a man who used extreme violence to bring about a world-wide Islamic caliphate under shariah law. That was his ultimate goal.

Rauf is different. He doesn't use terrorism or violence. His tools are Dawa-outreach, taqqiyya-deception. His strategy-like so many others- is to bring about the world-wide Islamic calpihate through slower, more realistic means. He sees that immigration, demographics and convincing gullible people that Islam is peace can ultimately bring about the same result-peacefully. He knows it may take 100 years. He knows he will never live to see it happen. But his ultimate goal is the same as bin Laden's -a world-wide Islamic caliphate under shariah law.

Gary Fouse said...

Don't forget Al Gore.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I wasn't aware that Al Gore was a Muslim.

If Rauf wants to engage in peaceful advocacy, with the intent that someday everyone in the world will embrace Islam, that is entirely appropriate. It is no better and no worse than a Christian evangelist proclaiming that "every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord."

He would be doing wrong ONLY if he, at some point, intends to wreak violence upon a population lulled into complacency. But, he would have to disarm an armed population, or military force, in the face of an armed threat, by his words. Nobody is disarming because he offers to build Cordoba House.

All this talk about takkiya and dawa is a red herring. Unlike some other comparisons, this talk IS analogous to talking about how peaceful Jews engaged in business and science are only fronting for the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

I'm not spending money to watch this disgusting propaganda. If someone offers me a free copy, I'll take a look at it. Meanwhile, I know that the cover shows the events of 9-11, not the construction of an Islamic center with all the necessary building permits, and that it describes Cordoba House as the "second wave" of 9/11, which is a bold faced lie.

The words in the video you posted, by the people trying to make a case, are most unimpressive. You are the only one interviewed who shows any sign of having a head on your shoulders, or at least, a brain inside your head.

You come to some conclusions I think are unfounded, but you make a well balanced presentation, and acknowledge the right of any religion to build a place of worship for itself.