
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Three Stooges Are Standing Guard

This week's interview by Diane Sawyer of Janet Napolitano, John Brennan and James Clapper features an astounding revelation. Our Director of National Security, Clapper, was asked about the terrorist round-up in the UK. He sat there dumbfounded because he wasn't aware of it!! (Go to the 3:40 mark)

Video via Hot Air

"You remember those terror arrests in England. We told ya about them this morning."

This is.............

"What's the word?

There is no word.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I would hope that OUR director of security is worrying first about keeping America safe. Perhaps the British authorities were too busy making the arrests to take time to notify their American counter-parts. No doubt he knew all about it within the next several hours. You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel Gary -- and when people did that to George W. Bush, you upbraided them for being petty and politically motivated.

Gary Fouse said...


I probably knew about it before he did. What does that tell you?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

It tells me that Gary Fouse has an opinion on every subject. Define "probably." And then show me some evidence.

Gary Fouse said...

Evidence of what? Why was Diane Sawyer so shocked when Clapper didn'tt know what she was talking about.

PS: I have no opinion whatsoever on the Spanish soccer league.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I didn't ask you about the Spanish soccer league. You doth protest too much.

Diane Sawyer is one of those sleazy Mainstream Media sound byte hounds who will do anything to improve her ratings. Other than that, how do I know what is going on in her fertile little mind?

Evidence of whether you knew about it before Clapper did would include, the date and time you first knew about it, the date and time he first knew about it, and on what authority do you offer a date and time that is reliable for either one?

That may be difficult to prove... but if so, you're statement "I probably knew about it before he did" is of no consideration whatsoever. So tell us what you know. You're an English professor. You know what "citation" and "authority" mean.