But who is Hien Thanh Tran? Well, we are not really sure who he is. He says-or said- he had a PHD from the University of California at Davis. Not quite.
Here is what one web site says about Mr Tran.
It turns out that Mr Tran holds a "doctorate diploma" from Thornhill University in London.
If you have never heard of Thornhill University, join the crowd. It turns out that this is nothing more than a diploma mill. Check out this article by Chris Reed.
As you can see, it gets better. Thornhill University's "President" is a guy named Avrohom Mondrowitz, who reportedly fled from New York to Israel to avoid prosecution for serial child molestation charges that date back to the 1980s.

So this is how the California Air Resources Board comes up with its data used to justify insane regulations and control over our lives. They use a study by some guy with a fraudulent resume and a "diploma" from a diploma mill run by a fugitive on the lam on child molestation charges.
And where does it all end? More obtrusive laws that affect our lives. That, ladies and gentlemen is how our government works in California.

"Ja, ja!"
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