
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Another Black Eye for Columbia University

Over the past decade or so, few universities have had as many anti-Semitic incidents as Columbia. Just recently, in the wake of October 7, the school has come back under the spotlight including being investigated by Congress. Columbia's president, Minouche Shafik was called to testify before the House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Work Force and has come under sharp criticism. 

Now comes a new black eye for Columbia as three administrators are alleged to have exchanged text messages mocking Jewish claims of campus anti-Semitism. The College Fix has the story. The story was first broken by the Washington Free Beacon.

Here is how the Columbia campus newspaper, the Columbia Spectator is reporting the story.

After so many years of complaints by Jewish students, the actual presence on campus of professors like Joseph Massad and Rashid Khalidi, the pathetic performance of Shafik, and now this it is really hard to believe Columbia's protestations of innocence when it comes to allegations of campus anti-Semitism.

What Columbia needs is a good housecleaning-a fumigation, actually.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Italy: What Has Happened to Udine?

Piazza San Giacomo, Udine

The small town of Udine, located in northeastern Italy, used to be a quiet, tranquil place. No longer. Now the city is dealing with gangs of teenage boys, largely of foreign extraction (i.e. Albanian) who fight and cause havoc in the city. Often they come into the city from surrounding areas to deal drugs, hang out, drink, and commit acts of violence, sometimes against each other, sometimes against innocent citizens.

Now the problem in Italy has caused national attention after a Japanese man, Tominaga Shimpei, 56,  was attacked in the city by a gang of youths and is now fighting for his life. According to Corriere della Sera, Tominaga, a businessman who was residing in Udine, was attacked by five men between the ages of 20-30 as he was eating at an establishment with two Italian friends. He reportedly had intervened to render assistance to another person who was running from the attackers.  Corriere della Sera has published the names of the five men who are in custody. Meanwhile, Tominaga is in an induced coma.

The below article from today's Il Tempo is translated by Fousesquawk.

Udine, no hope for Tominaga Shimpei, fear spreads in the city, and the mayor has disappeared

24 June 2024

In the evening, the wife and 13-year-old son of Tominaga Shimpei, the man attacked in the center of the city Friday who is fighting between life and death, will arrive from Japan. The latest crime news incident that has unleashed the anger of Udine's citizens and business people, who cannot take it any longer. The situation is out of control, and contrary to what the local institutions claim, every day at sunset in the city, fights happen between groups of young men, mostly minors and of foreign extraction. Drunk and under the effect of drugs, they are found during the day in the green areas surrounding the heart of Udine, then around evening, they head to San Giacomo Square, which from being the city's living room, seems to have become their ring, where, armed with knives and (broken) bottle shards, they confront each other. But paying the price are not only the members of these "baby gangs", but also ordinary citizens like Tominaga, whose hopes for life are, unfortunately, almost zero.

People no longer serenely go out of their homes in the evening; it is not the perception of insecurity, it is the real fear and also the anger of seeing the city in these conditions. We at least expected that Mayor De Toni would intervene publicly, but as often happens, he preferred to send his vice (mayor) to be interviewed by the editorial staff of Messaggero Veneto, (words) that certainly did not reassure the population. We also ask ourselves why it is more and more often that groups of young men arrive in the city from Veneto to commit crimes, like these five characters now under arrest. Last month, a young man of Albanian origin was stabbed in the throat in a Brovedani alley in broad daylight in the historic city center by another foreigner who came to the city from Treviso to settle a score. Many are also worried about the rise in drug dealing that takes place in broad daylight in the largest park in the city, Moretti Park.

After the summit meeting between the prefect, chief of police, and mayor, which took place late in the morning, urgent measures were taken. A ban on sales of alcohol in bottles after 9 pm, a ban on serving alcohol in all establishments after 1 a.m., joint patrols in the city center- Carabinieri, National Police, Guardia di Finanza, traffic police, and military will do foot patrols in the heart of Udine. (There will be) a fixed military post in San Giacomo Square. These are new ordinances decided on, (and) many ask why the system of (dealing with) minors was not taken into consideration, where there are precise rules but never respected, where the boys are left in disarray and without rules.

Los Angeles: Fighting Breaks Out in Front of Synagogue


On Sunday, June 23, 2024, there was a pro-Palestinian protest that took place outside a Jewish synagogue in the heavily-Jewish Pico-Robertson area of West Los Angeles. Several Jews complained of being blocked from entering the synagogue, and fighting broke out among dozens of pro-Palestinians and pro-Israelis. The second link above has a video.

-Jerusalem Post

It is reported that the pro-Palestinian protest was organized to protest some kind of Israel real estate event being held at the synagogue and that counter-protesters knew of the demonstration and showed up as well.


Here are my reactions to this latest incident: First, it is one thing for pro-Palestinians to hold a protest in front of the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles, as they often do. But to taking the protest to a synagogue is beyond disgusting. That is yet another indication that this conflict is not just over land, but over religion as well. In short, the pro-Palestinian movement is anti-Jewish to its core. Imagine the reaction if pro-Israelis held their demonstrations in front of mosques. In one local news video I saw last night, a pro-Palestinian couple (man and woman) were taken into custody as they drove their SUV up on a sidewalk to confront pro-Israelis. They had an infant in a car seat wearing a Palestinian keffiyah. The NY Post has a report.


On another video, I recognized the distinctive, lime green caps of the National Lawyers Guild, someone in the line of pro-Palestinian protesters who was videotaping the actions of the police.


Secondly, I detect there is a change taking place among the Jewish community in America. They are starting to fight back. The videos from Los Angeles yesterday suggest this was a case of mutual combat though it is not yet clear who initiated the physical violence. Is that a good thing? First of all, I don't condone violence or law-breaking, but I do condone Jews defending themselves against violence by any and all means within the law. If that means training in martial arts, so be it. If that means legally arming themselves and becoming proficient in the use of firearms, so be it. The same goes for Europe, where Jews are in even greater danger than here in my opinion. The situation, here, however, is deteriorating, and I fear lives will be lost.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hitler Is Informed About the Big Debate on Thursday

 My latest Hitler parody masterpiece!

Terrorist Attacks in Dagestan (Russia)

 Churches and synagogues targeted


This story is just breaking. The mostly Muslim region of Dagestan in the North Caucasus region of Russia has been hit with terrorist attacks against churches and synagogues in two separate cities, Makhachkala and Derbent. The latter city is home to an ancient Jewish community. At least 6 policemen and a priest have reportedly been killed.

Here is BBC's report, which has video of the gunmen.

Dagestan is a hotbed of radical Islamist activity. The perpetrators of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the Tsarnaev brothers, immigrated to the US from Dagestan. (Their family had previously moved there from Kyrgyzstan.)

The same year, a rabbi, Ovadia Isikov, was shot and wounded in Derbent . He was evacuated to Israel, where he recovered.

*Update: June 24, 2024. At last count, the death toll is at 20, including 15 police officers and a 66-year-old priest whose throat was cut. In addition, at least 6 terrorists are believed to be dead. 

France: News Video (France24) of Demonstration Against Anti-Semitism in Paris (June 19)


As part of our reporting on the tragic case of a 12-year-old Jewish girl allegedly being gang-raped by three minors near Paris, this is a France24 news video report of a demonstration held in Paris against anti-Semitism in reaction to the incident. Subtitling provided by Gates of Vienna, RAIR Foundation USA, and Vlad Tepes. Translation by Fousesquawk. The demonstration was held June 19 in Paris.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

France: Update on Rape of 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl

Hat tip Francois deSouche

The French blog, Francois deSouche has posted excerpts from several French newspapers providing updated information on the three suspects, all minors, who have been charged with gang-raping a 12-year-old Jewish girl outside of  Paris, a crime that has shocked and outraged the nation.

Though the boys cannot be identified by name since they are minors, it has emerged that they are Muslims (one apparently a convert) and were motivated by anti-Jewish hate. It is also being reported that the victim was in some sort of relationship with one of the boys and had lied to him that she was Muslim. The boy was reportedly outraged when he found out she was, in fact, Jewish.

The excerpts of the below article quoted by Francois deSouche from Le Figaro are translated by Fousesquawk. (Note: The * affixed to the name of the victim is almost certainly to indicate that it is not her true name. The explanation in Le Figaro is not available since the article is subject to subscriber block.)

Courbevoie (92): 12-year-old girl raped and threatened to be burned by teenagers; she pretended to be a Muslim and reportedly criticized Palestine. One of the suspects, J.(13, is a "blonde" convert to Islam.

Caption: Premises of a former daycare center in Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine) where the victim was reportedly raped. 


J. was one of two minors suspected of having raped Axelle*, 12, in an abandoned building in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine). The victim also reported anti-Semitic remarks ("Dirty Jew") made during the attack. J. and W., 13, have been charged and locked up. A third minor, 12, F., was placed under a provisional judicial measure pending his placement in a (court-ordered) juvenile protection facility.

According to the initial elements of the investigation, the victim reportedly had a "(puppy) love affair" with F., who, after having learned that the young girl was of the Jewish faith, reportedly became very angry. She had actually made him believe that she was a Muslim. According to Axelle's statements, the aim of this diversion was to "protect herself" and "avoid any attack". The investigations have also led to the recovery of anti-Semitic images, including a photo of a burned Israeli flag on the cell phone of one of the suspects.


The neighborhood also evokes the unstable family environment where J......... , youngest of three brothers and one sister, grew up. Three of the children were from the same father, J. from another man who left the residence more than ten years ago. So the mother raised her four children alone. And according to several corroborating witnesses, this woman, who worked in the personal assistant sector, was reportedly subjected to violence on the part of her violent and alcoholic ex-partners, but also from her own children, including J., who "hit his mother", one neighbor claims. This situation reportedly led to police intervening several times at the residence to protect the mother of the family.

It seems that the adolescent was in bad company. According to our information, J. reportedly had already been taken into custody and was implicated in a case of theft of a scooter. The 13-year-old boy, nevertheless, was not known as a notorious delinquent, according to the town hall of Rueil-Malmaison. "He was not known to the town hall for repeated (delinquent) acts, as opposed to certain youths who were (known)," it is reported. Was J. known for his anti-Semitism? It is hard to say at this stage. A convert to Islam, he had a hard time accepting the homosexuality of one of his brothers, indicates one of the corroborating sources.


Le Figaro

Friday, June 21, 2024

UMich: The Newest Wolverine

"It's Professor Lightfoot"

 Move over, Juan Cole. You have company in Ann Arbor. The University of Michigan is actually hiring former Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, to teach the little rascals how to be a failure in public service. Yes, Lori Lightfoot is now a "professor" at UMich. Maybe she can catch a few writing gigs for Cole's curiously named blog, Informed Comment. At any rate, The College Fix has the report here.

Maybe this would be an opportune time to review the University of Michigan Mission Statement.

"The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dept. of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Opens Investigation Into Alleged Anti-Semitism at Chapman University

Hat tip JNS and Ted

The Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights has opened an investigation into Chapman University, a private college located in Orange, California based on complaints of anti-Jewish discrimination and harassment. Not surprisingly, the Chapman chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine is involved.

The details can be read here, courtesy of JNA.

I am quite familiar with Chapman in that in the late 1990s, I briefly taught English as a Second Language on campus a couple of terms. I was employed by a private ESL company that held their classes on the Chapman campus.

In addition, over the years, I have attended two interfaith events at Chapman (2008-2009), both of which I posted about here and here.

Chapman, as mentioned in the JNS article, does not classify itself as a Christian university per se though it does have Christian affiliations. Both of the events I attended at Chapman in 2008 and 2009, I believed, were well-intended, but in my view, I was skeptical of the Muslim representatives. As I do with all universities that have SJP chapters, I believe strongly that they should be permanently banned.

Spain: The Arrest of the Suspected Shooter of Vox Politician

My previous post was on the arrest in the Netherlands of a suspect in the shooting of a Spanish politician in Madrid last November and featured a Dutch news translation.

The below article is from the Spanish site, 20 Minutos, and identifies the suspect as Mehrez Ayari, a French citizen of Tunisian origin.

The translation is by Fousesquawk.

Mehrez Ayari, alleged material perpetrator of shooting of Vidal-Quadras, arrested in Netherlands.

The National Police have reported the arrest in the Netherlands of a man alleged to the material perpetrator of the shooting of Vidal-Quadras. The fugitive who was sought was Mehrez Ayari, a French citizen, 37, of Tunisian origin, with multiple previous offenses in France. 

According to the National Police, it was Dutch agents who arrested Ayari, the hitman, who was subject of an international arrest order issued by the National Court, whose court number 5 is investigating the case. 

The police are now investigating the relationship of this citizen with the Mocro-Maffia, a powerful Dutch-Moroccan criminal organization on the radar of numerous European countries for their extreme violence.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras was shot in the face last November 9 near his residence on Calle Núñez de Balboa in Madrid.

Sixth arrest for attack

It makes the sixth arrest carried out in the course of the investigation of the attack perpetrated against the founder of Vox and the former president of the Popular Party of Catalunya.

In April, the National Police also announced the arrest of a woman in Holland for her alleged participation in the financing and preparation of the attack against the politician.

Among the arrested is Greg Oliver Higuera Marcano, a Venezuelan located on the Colombian border, allegedly implicated in the purchase of the motorcycle used in the attack and whose extradition has been requested by the judge.

The first three arrests were carried out on 21 November in Spain; a couple in Lanjaron (Granada) and a young man in Fuengirola (Malaga). The man arrested in the Granada locality was remanded to custody, while the woman-of British origin-and the young man-also connected to the motorcycle-were released.

Netherlands: Suspect in Shooting of Spanish Politician Arrested in Haarlem

(l-r) Suspect-victim

Last November, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, of the conservative Vox party was shot and wounded in Madrid. It has been suspected that the shooting was carried out by the Netherlands-based Mocro Maffia (Moroccan Mafia). Now the suspected shooter, a French national of Tunisian origin, has been arrested by Dutch police in Haarlem. There are also suspicions, not verified, that the orders for the attack came from Iran.

Spanish media has identified the suspected shooter as Mehrez Ayari, 37.

The article below from yesterday's RTL News (Netherlands) was translated by Fousesquawk.

Link with drug criminals

Suspect in murder attempt on Spanish politician arrested in Netherlands

By RTL News-yesterday. Amended yesterday

Earlier this month, a suspect in the murder attempt on Spanish nationalist politician, Alejo Vidal-Quadras (78), was arrested in the Netherlands. According to Spanish media, it is the shooter, and the arrest points to the involvement of Dutch drug criminals. They possibly acted on behalf of Iran.

The news was announced today by the Spanish National Police. He is a 38-year-old French national of  Tunisian origin. This man reportedly carried out the murder attempt and was arrested June 6 in Haarlem, where he was hiding.

Politician Vidal-Quadras, founder of the radical Vox party, was shot in broad daylight on November 9, 2023 as he left his residence in Madrid. The shooter, who was sitting as a passenger on a motorcycle, was lying in wait for him. The victim was hit in the lower jaw but survived the attack.

Messages intercepted

The suspect was earlier identified based on images from security cameras in Madrid, the Spanish newspaper, El Pais, writes. On the day of the attack, he kept his helmet on, but on the previous days during reconnaissance, he was less careful. Spanish investigators also intercepted messages that the suspect sent to his brother and other acquaintances, in which he spoke of the attack.

Caption: The crime scene. After investigation, the street was reopened.

Later in the month, the victim accused Iran of giving the order for the murder. He provided no supporting evidence for this, but in the past, he has provided legal assistance as a lawyer to the Iranian political opposition. The Teheran regime allegedly has targeted him for that.  

Mocro-Maffia (Moroccan Mafia)

Based on police sources, El Pais reports that the arrested suspect has connections with the Dutch drug criminals from the so-called Mocro-Maffia. According to these sources, it is possible that the Dutch criminals acted on behalf of Iran.

The perpetrator was earlier sought out by others in the Catalan Independence Movement. This (is) because Vidal-Quadras' party, Vox, is strongly opposed to the independence of Catalunya.

At the end of April, it was revealed that the attack was paid for and planned in the Netherlands. That came out of an investigation by Spanish police. On April 30, a woman with Dutch nationality was arrested. She reportedly paid for the murder attempt and was involved in the logistical preparation. The newspaper, El Pais, wrote then that the order and execution of the attack possibly came out of the Dutch drug world. 

Six suspects have now been arrested, two of whom in the Netherlands. The Spanish police are also still looking for an important player in the plot, a Moroccan with the nickname, Pacho, who left Spain the day before the attack.

Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden (19)

In Sweden, the Muslim Brotherhood-connected Ibn Rushd Study Association is back in the news. The city of Stockholm had suspended grants to the organization due to its questionable teaching materials that deal with child abuse, child marriage, and homosexuality. The city has now decided to resume payments to Ibn Rushd.  At the same time, the city stopped grants to the organization, Never Forget Pela and Fatime (GAPF), a group that works in defense of women and girls within the Muslim Community.

The below article from the conservative Swedish news outlet, Nyheter Idag, is translated by Fousesquawk. This is the latest in our series of translated articles from Europe dealing with the Muslim Brotherood in various European countries. This is the 19th such translation on Sweden.

City of Stockholm gives one million grant to Ibn Rushd-Stops grants to association against honor violence

By Johannes Nilsson

In December last year, the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million (kronors) to the controversial study association, Ibn Rushd, after the Public Education Council determined that the study association's teaching materials deal with child abuse, child marriage, and describe homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the cultural council in Stockholm decided  to resume the payments, Sweden's Radio reports.

The criticized material has reportedly been used by the study association in other places besides Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with an action plan at the same time the city paid a visit to the association's operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm is stopping payments of 600,000 (kronors) per year to the association, Never Forget Pela and Fadime (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association posted (material) on a private Facebook page that the city views as being against the city's guidelines. 

GAPF reports in a press release that it distances itself from the  board member's now-deleted post and that the association has taken measures like updating communications policy and ethical guidelines, as  well as conducting training for board members and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing fast by its decision. 

"We wonder how the city really works in democratic terms. How can a study association that has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and which has been involved in brokering temporary marriages, i.e., traffic in women's bodies, according to a disclosure from Mission Review, qualify for support  but not us, who work steadfastly help and protect vulnerable women and girls?" says Sara Mohammad, founder of GAPF, in a statement.

Since the last election, the city of Stockholm is run by a coalition of Social Democrats, Left Party, and Environmental Party (Green). 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

France Reacts to the Rape of a 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl

The below video from France 24 (news) gives further details on the alleged gang rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl near Paris. It also gives the reactions of French political leaders to the attack. The video is translated by Fousesquawk with subtitling by Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna.

There is a second video in the article covering today's march against anti-Semitism in Paris, which was organized in reaction to the attack. English Subtitles for that video are pending.

*Update: In a televised news report from Welt in Germany: "All three perpetrators are reportedly of migration background." (Hat tip Gates of Vienna)

France: 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl Gang Raped

Last Saturday (June 15), a 12-year-old Jewish girl was accosted by three adolescent boys, ages 12-13, as she was walking home. They allegedly insulted her for being Jewish, forced her into an abandoned daycare center, beat her, and raped her while threatening to kill her. The three boys have been arrested. The attack happened in the community of Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine) part of the greater Paris area. Today, a march against anti-Semitism was organized in Paris in reaction to the incident.

The identities of the boys have not been released, and due to the anti-Semitic nature of the attack, there is much speculation as to their background, but that is not confirmed.

The below article from Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk.

Courbevoie: Two adolescents charged and held for rape and anti-Semitic violence against a minor

By Ambre Lepoivre

Posted yesterday at 16:20, updated one hour ago.

A 12-year-old girl was dragged into an abandoned (building) in Courbevoie, in less Hauts-de-Seine by three minors. She was subjected to violent sexual acts coupled with death threats and anti-Semitic remarks.

Two adolescents were charged Tuesday evening, 18 June for "gang rape, death threats, insults, and anti-Semitic violence" against a 12-year-old girl in Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine), near Paris, facts that raise real emotion in the Jewish community and beyond. According to the Nanterre Prosecutor's office, a third suspect, also a minor, has been placed under the statute of (participatory) witness for "rape" and charged for the other infractions targeted by the investigation.

Two of the three adolescents, ages 13, were placed under a detention order by a detention judge. One was placed in the Nanterre detention facility, the other in that of Porcheville in the Yvelines. The third, age 12, was released under a provisional judicial measure, the prosecutor's office said.  

Unleashing of violence

On Saturday, 15 June, an adolescent girl spends the afternoon with a friend before being accompanied home. While crossing the Henri Regnault Park, she encounters two boys, one of whom she knows slightly, (and) who block her path forcing her to go with them to an old daycare center now abandoned. A third boy joins them and insults the young girl's religion calling her a "dirty Jew", according to the statements of the girl to police with whom we have been able to consult. 

What follows is an unheard of unleashing of violence: According to our information, the girl is hit, thrown to the floor, and photographed. One of the attackers holds a lit lighter next to her cheek and threatens to "burn" her.  They force vaginal and anal penetrations on her as well as fellatio, and threaten to kill her if she talks to the police. 

Abandoned in the deserted building, the girl returns home and reveals the horror that she has just been subjected to to her parents who alert the police. Her friend, who was present at the moment the two boys took her with them, was able to provide  a detailed description of the suspects. The video surveillance images also permitted the investigators to confirm the presence of the three suspects near the scenes of the crime.

The investigations, first assigned to the Courbevoie police station, then to the Territorial Brigade for Protection of the Family, led to the arrests of the three suspects during the daylight hours of Monday.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

UC Irvine and Free Speech


The University of California at Irvine puts out a quarterly magazine (UC Irvine Magazine), and a friend gave me a copy of the Spring 2024 edition.  Most of the articles concern the work and research being done at UC Irvine. In fact, UCI is one of the nation's leading universities in terms of the hard sciences, and at last count, they boasted 7 Nobel Prize winners (not peace). The university has fewer humanities and social sciences departments than most universities, and thus, most of the students there are serious students engaged in the study of fields like biology, pre-med, and engineering. In comparison to schools like UC Berkeley, UCLA, and places back east (like Columbia), there is usually less student unrest.

Yet, over the years, the school has suffered a number of black eyes that have brought unwanted national attention. These have almost uniformly been in the form of anti-Israel activism, featuring vitriolic speakers invited to campus by the Muslim Student Union and Students for Justice in Palestine. I would say it goes back at least two decades and has reached a crescendo since last October 7 when Hamas committed one of the most horrific attacks imaginable against Israeli civilians. Inexplicably, some in academia have actually celebrated this attack and condemned Israel for striking back at Hamas. At UCI, students and activists set up an encampment for almost three weeks while the school negotiated endlessly before sending in police when the little rascals tried to take over an adjacent science building. 

As a part-time teacher at UCI from 1998-2016, I witnessed many of these incidents, which was a major reason I began my blog in 2007. In my overall view, the leadership at UCI, like so many other campuses, has failed to deal effectively with protests that exceed the boundaries of free speech and have made campus life for Jewish students at times unbearable.

Now comes the above-mentioned UCI publication, whose timing could not have been more ironic, and which opens with a "Letter from the Chancellor", Howard Gillman. In this "letter" (above) Gillman talks about his views of free speech and academic freedom as they pertain to UCI.

The following page features a paragraph describing UCI's history of activism (the university opened in 1965). The timing is ironic given the recent pro-Palestinian occupation set up at UCI, which lasted nearly three weeks and only ended when students and outside protesters tried to take over an adjacent science building. It was not pretty. There is one memorable quote in the latter article: "You would never see someone setting a dumpster fire at Irvine." Literally or figuratively? Maybe there haven't been any real dumpster fires, but the above-mentioned encampment and its clearing out, which drew national attention was, to borrow the old phrase, "a real dumpster fire". I am not criticizing the hundreds of police who were finally allowed to do their job, but for the image of the university, the whole thing was a "dumpster fire".

I also take issue with the second article that portrays UCI as a place where activism takes place that is focused on issues and solutions. Bringing in speakers like Amir Abdel Malik Ali, Abdul Alim Musa, Mohamed al-Asi, George Galloway, Norman Finkelstein, Hatem Bazian, Rabab Abdulhadi, Hussam Ayloush- I could go on and on- doesn't strike me as being focused on solutions. Putting up this caricature of Ariel Sharon in May 2008 on the so-called "apartheid wall", with all the stereotypical Jewish features that go back to Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer, is not focusing on issues and solutions. 

Disrupting the speech of Michael Oren, the then-Israeli ambassador to the US in 2010 was not focused on solutions. Similarly disrupting pro-Israel events featuring Israeli Defense Force reservists in 2016 and 2017 was not focused on solutions. Similarly disrupting celebrations of Israel's founding by Jewish students year after year is not an exercise in finding solutions.

And most recently, chanting with bullhorns and banging drums outside classroom and science research buildings is not what I call finding solutions. On the day the encampment was finally cleared, I seriously doubt those students/activists were searching for solutions when they tried to take over a building next to the encampment. True, worse things have happened at Berkeley, UCLA, Columbia, and many other so-called institutions of higher learning, but UCI does not stand as some sort of shining beacon of light when it comes to campus protest.

This leads me to my final point: Perhaps, it is time for universities to reexamine just what their role is. Is it to educate or serve as a training ground for activists-left-wing activists in particular? UCI's law school should be subject to the same question, but that is a topic for another day. Are our universities really intended to be places where all the ills of the country and/or the world are to be fought out? Under the present situation, free speech and protest exist only for one side of the philosophical divide. Speakers and events that are pro-America, pro-Israel, conservative, or pro-Republican can expect to be disrupted. Does UCI remember the night Milo Yiannopoulos came to campus in 2016?

Is this really what our universities are supposed to be about? If so, the public's patience is wearing thin. The overwhelming majority of Americans are tired of seeing our campuses taken over by pro-Hamas anti-Semites and anarchists at the expense of the majority of students who want to study. I know from personal experience that 99%+ of UCI's students are not involved in this activity, but what say do they have when the university administration allows this loud disruption of university life to go on for weeks?

I don't know exactly when the above two pieces in UCI Magazine were actually penned. The magazine has just come out, but given recent events at UCI, the celebratory tone is ironic and frankly, laughable.

I have sent a link to this post to the magazine.

*Update: June 19: Last night, I received a prompt response from the editor of the magazine informing me that it takes a long time to print, bind, and deliver the magazine (about a month). On this occasion, there was also an unforeseen delay in distribution. Thus, the magazine went to press in mid-April.  The encampment went up at the end of April and was cleared in the middle of May. In other words, the letter from Gillman and the article in question were written prior to the encampment issue occurring.  

Monday, June 17, 2024

"The Angry Arab" Mocks Female Israeli Hostage



       As'ad Abukhalil, "The Angry Arab"

As'ad Abukhalil is a professor at California State University at Stanislaus. For several years, he has made inflammatory statements that have found their way to the pages of this blog. I actually saw him speak once at UC Irvine.

Now he has added to his history of outrageous statements by taking to social media to mock a young Israeli female who was taken hostage on October 7 by Hamas. Like so many of his ilk, Abukhalil apparently sees nothing wrong that occurred that day. Campus Reform has the story here.

So why is he so angry? I don't really care, but he must be especially angry now that Israel has managed to rescue some hostages, and, in the process, has killed off thousands of Hamas terrorists while leaving Gaza in rubble.  As I have said before, while I regret the loss of civilian life in Gaza, it is Hamas who is responsible, and the blood is on their hands. 

It is outrageous that we have people in this country who have taken the side of these Hamas butchers. It's bad enough that so many are indoctrinated college students, but it's even worse that we have professors like this egging them on.

France: What Is With These Afghans?

Yet another case of an Afghan stabbing in Europe. In Metz, five Afghans were stabbed  Monday by a group of other Afghans in the suburban area of the city (once famous for a huge World War 1 battle). It seems that the stabbing is a "settling of scores" between rival criminal Afghan gangs. It also seems France, Germany, and other European countries are experiencing an epidemic of Afghans going berserk on the city streets with knives. For several years, young male Afghans have been flooding into Europe claiming asylum. Now that the Taliban are back in power, don't expect countries like France to send Afghans back home even after committing serious crimes. Afghanistan is simply too dangerous, you know. So it's the Europeans who have to be in danger. 

The below article from today's Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk.

Metz: Five persons injured by stabbing, at least one of whom is in serious condition

By R.M

Posted three hours ago. Updated two hours ago.

The attack, which took place outside a convenience store in an outlying quarter of the city, is reportedly connected to a settling of scores between members of the same Afghan community.

Five persons were wounded, at least of whom very seriously, outside a convenience store in Metz, on Monday, Le Figaro learned from reliable sources. According to one police source, the attack, which took place shortly after 10 am, is reportedly connected to a racketeering case involving a settling of scores, involving members of the Afghan community. 

"Several victims of this attack, of Afghan origin, identified the perpetrators as belonging to the same diaspora," living in Metz Borny, a peripheral quarter situated east of the city, this source continues. (This source) also praises the "great response" of the Intervention Section of the police which permitted the emergency care of one of the victims, (who was) seriously injured, by using a tourniquet. The five individuals were all transported to a hospital.

On the run since this morning, the perpetrators are still actively being sought by police. The terrorist hypothesis is excluded at this stage, stated the (national) prosecutor of Metz, Yves Badorc, to Agence France Presse (AFP). The case opened for "attempted murder" has been assigned to the Indepartmental Service of the Metz Judicial Police (SIPJ).

Additional information pending....

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The President Had No Clothes in Italy

 This article first appeared in New English Review.

This week’s G7 Summit in Italy was yet another disaster for President Joe Biden. If the American mainstream media chooses to consciously ignore Biden’s cognitive decline, the Italian press had no such inhibitions. It was widely reported in the Italian media how Biden, apparently due to tiredness, skipped a gala dinner for Italian President Sergio Mattarella, and inexplicably wandered off from where the G7 leaders were gathered to watch military parachutists land at their feet. In addition, Biden seemed to drift off as Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli was giving his rousing conclusion of “Nessun Dorma”.

Truth be told, Italy’s conservative Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, had her hands full hosting the likes of Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and French President, Emmanuel Macron. Meloni has an especially poisoned relationship with Macron.

But isn’t it curious how Biden’s condition can be so widely reported by the Italian press while most of the American mainstream media keeps it under wraps-even when it is so painfully obvious to the casual observer? It brings to mind the old fable about the emperor’s new clothes. Everyone in the crowd studiously ignores the fact that the emperor is riding a horse naked or proclaims that the emperor has a fine new suit of clothes-except for one lad, in this case, the Italian media, who cries out that the emperor has no clothes.

In countries living under dictatorial rule, one usually has to go to foreign news sources to read or hear about how bad things are in one’s own country. America, however, is not living under a dictatorship although many feel we are heading there. The fact is that every American news source should be covering the issue of Biden’s decline in minute detail, not necessarily to tear him down, but to point out that the country has a serious problem with a leader who is not up to the job. Were Biden the president of the Congo or even Switzerland, it might not be such a big deal. But the US is supposed to be the leader of the free world, and the free world is under many serious threats these days.  Many in Europe fear that the US can no longer be relied upon for leadership. Biden’s performance at the G7 in Italy, just as at the D-Day commemoration in France, only buttressed that anxiety.

Yet, with the notable exceptions of Fox News, talk radio, or conservative newspapers like the New York Post, our own mainstream media ignores it-just as they ignored President John F. Kennedy’s dalliances or President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s being unable to walk on his own due to polio. The fact that our current president is in cognitive decline is a huge deal-certainly newsworthy, certainly a major campaign issue in the November presidential election. Anyone who has been watching Biden for the past five decades he has been in Washington knows that there is a marked change.

Then again, I recall an old friend once remarked to me (sarcastically) that the only thing the people need to know is the ball scores. While he was being sarcastic, it seems that our media subscribes to that idea-at least depending on who the president is. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Germany: Afghan Goes on Stabbing Rampage: One Dead Plus the Suspect (Shot by Police)

Wolmirstedt, Germany

On Friday night in the town of Wolmirstedt, near Magdeburg, an Afghan man went on a stabbing rampage. It is reported that he first killed another Afghan at one location then proceeded to a residential area where a garden party was in progress with friends and neighbors of the residents gathered to watch a sporting event on TV. The Afghan ran into the yard and stabbed at least three people. Police arrived and when the suspect tried to attack them, they shot him. The suspect later died in the hospital. As of right now, it appears those stabbed at the house survived.

Thus, Germany, as the rest of Europe has experienced yet again, a murderous rampage by an Afghan suspect who decided it was time to start killing people. These can no longer be described as isolated incidents.

The below article from Volkstimme, a local Magdeburg newspaper, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Police shot perpetrator in Wolmirstedt

Dead and injured in Wolmirstedt: Man attacks garden party with knife

On Genossenschaftsweg in Wolmirstedt, a man stabbed guests at a private viewing party. Prior to that, the man from Afghanistan killed a countryman. The perpetrator was shot by police.

By Gudrun Billowie. Posted June 15, 2024 at 15:48

Caption:  Emergency doctor, rescue services and police arrive in force at Genossenschaftsweg (street) in Wolmirstedt.

It was supposed to be a relaxed Friday evening. A family in Wolmirstedt on Genossenschaftweg, had invited guests to a public viewing. Around 9 pm, the opening game of the Football-EM began. Suddenly, a man appeared in the yard of the single-family house and stabbed guests. That is what the residents reported. At least three persons were injured there. When the perpetrator went back onto the street, the police had already arrived. A spokesperson says: "The perpetrator attacked the officers, who used their firearms. The perpetrator was fatally wounded there."

Friday, June 14, 2024

G7 Summit: Old Joe Steals the Show

Headline: "Sleepy Joe" too tired. Biden skips dinner with Mattarella

-"Do you mind if I don't come to dinner?"

-"Er, the problem is I don't know who to leave you with here."

"Look, up in the sky!"

- "It's a bird!"

-"It's a plane!"

-"No, it's a clue!"

You won't see much of this in the mainstream media here at home, but President Biden's behavior in Italy during the G7 Summit has drawn a lot of attention in Italy. The below article from today's Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk. It has a video of Biden wandering off during an event.

"He gets distracted..." The video at the G7 and those new doubts on the health of Biden

The latest alarm bell on the condition of the US president: Here is the curtain call at the summit of Borgo Egnazia

By Massimo Balsamo   14 June 2024 at 15:51

There is great worry among the Democrats of the Stars and Stripes and it could not be otherwise. The reference is obviously to the state of health of Joe Biden who reverted to an incredible series of gaffes and blunders a few months from the presidential election against Donald Trump. Yesterday, during the G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia in Puglia. he created a scene that was anything but edifying. The 81-year-old and the other leaders attended a ceremony of the flags of the 7 nations and that of the European Union, dropping from the sky with soldiers of Folgore from two planes. At a certain point during the parachutists' jump, Biden became distracted and wandered away from the group.

The videos available don't leave large margins of interpretation. Following the exhibition of the parachutists, Biden moved a few meters and began to direct his appreciation to the parachutists with the thumbs-up gesture. Realizing what was happening, Giorgia Meloni approached the US president and called him back by touching his shoulders. A moment of great embarrassment added to those recorded in the past weeks. And on social media, Trump supporters went wild also considering the absence of the Democrat at the gala dinner with President Sergio Mattarella and the other world leaders.

The sequence of what happened at Borgo Egnazia went viral, but in the States, it is hard to hide a certain worry. The testimony has multiplied regarding the alleged cognitive decline of Biden to the point that it could compromise his institutional functions, especially at such a delicate phase at the international level. Dozens of Republican and Democrat legislators and collaborators have spoken to the Wall Street Journal on the president's public blunders, but also about his strange behavior in private meetings.  

Many have stressed the palpable slowness of the president or the increasingly marked tendency to follow the suggestions of assistants. "He is no longer the same person as before," (is) the fear that winds its way around the White House. An extremely complex situation just less than 5 months from the elections........


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Italy: Jihadist Imam in Bologna

The below article from Il Tempo (Italy) is translated by Fousesquawk and concerns a Pakistani imam in Bologna named Zulfiqar Khan, who calls for jihad against Israel and America. Two politicians from the conservative party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Fratelli d'Italia, have raised the issue and would like to see the interior minister take action to remove Khan from Italy.

I'll drink to that.

Islam: The imam of Bologna who calls for jihad: "We are extremists"

By Christian Campigli

June 13, 2024

A new case. (One) which is causing discussion and which underlines how the war in the Middle East has opened Pandora's box. Episodes that underline how the plague of Islamic extremism, even in Italy, is taking on truly alarming proportions. The last unfortunate incident comes from Bologna. The city imam, Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, spiritual leader of the Iqraa Islamic Center, has repeatedly focused his sermons on political themes. Urging his faithful, in no uncertain terms, to follow the dictates of the holy war. “That punishment we are waiting for comes from Allah, with the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah,” he said boldly. But there's more. The cleric added that "if someone says to me you are an Islamic extremist, I say yes because extremism means following the fundamentals." Messages that are anything but enigmatic, (but) simple and easy to understand.

(It is) a situation which is creating a lot of tension in the Emilian capital. It is no coincidence that Senator Marco Lisei and Deputy Sara Kelany, both from Fratelli d'Italia, introduced an inquiry to make the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, aware of the situation, urging "possible measures to remove the imam from the national territory."  Zulfiqar Khan has his own Facebook page, on which he posts videos and sermons. “Those who side with Israel and America will come to a bad end,” he argued in February. In April he directly called for the Hamas leader to continue "carrying out jihad against these liars, these murderers," that is, Israel and the USA.

But the imam also hates homosexuals. On June 3 he defined them as "a group that Allah will punish with a very strong punishment". Joe Biden and Netanyahu are the "two horns of Satan, the world leaders take the liquid from the eyes of children to have an extra year or two of life. It is the satanic biology of Biden, of Netanyahu." Delusional, but dangerous words- which should not be underestimated. "The government is very attentive to the safety of citizens which represents an absolute priority," emphasized Senator Lisei. "A person who makes certain statements represents a danger to our values. Italy is welcoming to those who come to contribute to the growth of the country, but must be inflexible with foreign citizens who do not respect our laws."

Two "Swedes" Sentenced to Death in Iraq for Murder of Gang Member

Two men with Swedish citizenship have been sentenced to death in Baghdad for the murder of an Iraqi gang leader (Foxtrot Network). A third man, also with Swedish citizenship, has been sentenced to prison for his role in the killing. The Swedish Foreign Office has summoned the Iraqi chargé d'affairs to lodge a protest against the death sentences.

I would bet the farm that the three men in question are actually Iraqis who obtained Swedish citizenship, probably after claiming refugee status. If true, one wonders why they ventured back to Iraq. One also wonders if the Swedish protest is just pro forma since the men involved are almost certainly Iraqi gang members.

At any rate, the below article from Dagens Nyheter is translated by Fousesquawk. Since the article is still being updated, there are a couple of inconsistencies in the translation.

Two Swedes sentenced to death in Iraq- Foreign Affairs Office summons top diplomat

Updated 17:41, Posted 10:24

Caption: Mustafa Aljiburi shot to death in Baghdad: Police photo

Two Swedish men have been sentenced to death for the murder of a Swedish gang member in Iraq earlier this year. The Foreign Affairs Office has confirmed that they have been notified of the sentences and Iraq's top diplomat has been summoned.

"We condemn the application of the death penalty. We always oppose it and regardless of the circumstances," Foreign Minister Tobias  Billström commented.

Mustafa "Benzema" Aljiburi, a 34-year-old man who earlier held a leading position in the Foxtrot criminal network, was in Baghdad, Iraq during the winter. On January 9 this year, he was shot on the street in Baghdad as he sat in a line of traffic.

Three Swedish men were sentenced Wednesday in Iraq for involvement in the murder of the gang member, which Aftonbladet was the first to report. Two of them were sentenced to death, (while) a third was sentenced to prison, according to the newspapers's information.

After summoning Iraq's chargé d'affairs, the Swedish Foreign Affairs Office has received confirmation of one of the death sentences.

"There is information that one or two Swedes have received the same sentence. This information has not been confirmed. One purpose of summoning Iraq's chargé d'affairs was to request clarification of this information," the Foreign Affairs Office's press office writes.

Foreign Minister Tobias  Billström earlier said during the evening that there was still much that was unclear in the case but stressed that Sweden condemns the death penalty.

"At the meeting, (we) conveyed Sweden's protest against Swedes in Iraq being sentenced to death and demanded that the death sentence not be carried out," Billström wrote in a press release.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson also criticized Iraq on Thursday.

"We are determined opponents of the death penalty, and Sweden always takes responsibility for Swedish citizens. Of course, we will investigate the matter more closely," Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said regarding the information. 

According to earlier information to Dagens Nyheter, a 19-year-old Swede from Hudiksvall was arrested on suspicion of murder in Baghdad. The man was earlier convicted of weapons offenses. The two others who were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder are a 23-year-old and a 25-year-old.

Mustafa Aljiburi became widely known last autumn in connection with the splitting up of the Foxtrot leadership-a development that led to a dramatic spiral of violence. After a bloody September with 12 murder cases connected to the spiral of violence, in October SVT (Swedish State Television) received information that Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid had been arrested in Iran. Some time later, Mustafa Aljiburi announced that he had broken from Foxtrot and had built his own network, called "La Liga" (the League).

Caption: Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Netherlands: Sentences Handed Down in Peter R. de Vries Murder Trial

Peter R. De Vries

We have previously reported about the shooting death of noted Dutch crime reporter Peter R. De Vries in 2021. This week, a Dutch court handed down sentences to several defendants convicted for their involvement in the murder. The heaviest sentences were 28 years. 

Since the murder, much suspicion has been focused on the Moroccan Mafia (Mocro Maffia) and boss Ridouan Taghi (currently in prison serving a lifer senetence). None of the convicted defendants received life imprisonment, which many find disconcerting.

The below article from Dagelijkse Standaard is translated by Fousesquawk.

Bizarre! The murderers of crime reporter Peter R. de Vries avoid life imprisonment

 June 12, 2024 at 20:00

Almost three years after the shocking murder of crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, the court in Amsterdam has announced the sentences for the nine (persons) involved. The trial has led to sentences varying from 4 weeks to 28 years imprisonment: No life sentences!

The highest sentences were given to the shooter, Delano G., the driver of the getaway car, Kamil E., and the (middleman) of the murder, Krystian  M. Delano G. and Kamil E. both received 28 years imprisonment, while Krystian M. was sentenced to 26 years and one month. The difference in sentence for Krystian M. was because he had already served 47 months in imprisonment for another case. The court wanted to ensure that the total sentence for M. would come out to 30 years. 

The judge emphasized that the main suspects showed an "unprecedented ruthlessness and lack of conscience" and that they showed no respect for human life. The murder of Peter R. deVries, according to the court, caused a wave of shock in society". 

In addition to the three main suspects, four others were sentenced for their role in the murder. Erickson O. and Gerower M., who surveilled the location of the murder in advance and filmed De Vries while he was lying on the street seriously wounded, each got 10 years imprisonment. Konrad W., responsible for arranging the weapons, was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment. Lugardo S., originally charged with complicity in the murder, was acquitted of the charge but got 4 weeks imprisonment for drug dealing. 

Divainy K. and Christopher W. were both acquitted. The court found their participation in a criminal organization, of which they were accused, was not proven. Their acquittal was based on the lack of sufficient evidence for their involvement in the murder.

Though the Public Prosecutor (OM) demanded life imprisonment for the main suspects, the court rejected this. The court emphasized that life imprisonment in the Netherlands really means life imprisonment, and that it must be handled with extreme care. Because the main suspects have not been previously convicted of murder and that (this case) involved only one murder, the court found that life imprisonment was not appropriate.

UC Irvine Fallout Over Encampment Clearing

On May 15, UC Irvine called in police from several agencies to clear out the pro-Hamas encampment on campus after the little rascals decided to occupy an adjacent building. After three weeks of tolerating the noisy encampment, which was disrupting teaching and research activities in adjacent science buildings with constant bullhorn chants and drums, Chancellor Howard Gillman finally decided enough was enough.

Of course, that sparked outrage among all the local Hamas supporters, both on and off campus. Now the Orange County Register has published an article on the actions of the Academic Senate requesting that University of California President Michael Drake initiate an investigation into Gillman's actions. (I have also cut and pasted the text below in case the link disappears.) 

I have been critical of Gillman for years, as well as his predecessor, Drake, for what I feel are their weak responses to provocations by pro-Palestinian forces on campus and the resultant intimidation and harassment of Jewish students. I criticize Gillman for allowing the encampment to proceed for three weeks. In the end, he was correct to call in police to put an end to the spectacle, which was disrupting campus operations and increasing anti-Jewish feeling on campus beyond mere opposition to Israel. 

While criticism of Israel is protected under free speech, what is not protected under free speech is disrupting campus operations, occupying campus buildings, and harassing Jewish students. This has been going on for too many years now, both at UCI and on campuses across the nation.

As far as the UCI faculty engaged in this latest report, I can only state that they are shameful. There is a minority of faculty at UCI who are dedicated anti-Israel activists even after the horrors of October 7. They should be ashamed of themselves. I know who some of them are, and  I have no respect for them. And I'm not talking behind their backs because I have told them what I think of them (and vis-versa). Whether these individuals were involved in the Academic Senate vote, I have no idea.

And isn't it instructive that the meeting of learned professors became chaotic as these "adults' acted like the students they have been indoctrinating all these years?

So let the faculty crybabies whine all they want. I doubt they will get their wish for an investigation into Gillman's actions. Once again, what should be considered one of America's great universities (largely due to its relatively small humanities departments) is given a black eye by the supporters (both students and faculty) who are on the side of the monsters of Hamas. 

Here is the text of the OCR article (the italics for emphasis are mine).

The UC Irvine Academic Senate is calling for an independent investigation into the administration’s crackdown of a protest at the on-campus Palestinian solidarity encampment on May 15,  though a controversial vote to censure Chancellor Howard Gillman narrowly failed.

Officers in riot gear from more than 20 Southern California law enforcement agencies responded to a crowd that swelled to an estimated 500 people at one point during the protest, making 47 arrests while clearing the gathering and the makeshift camp that officials said had stood in violation of campus policy since late April.

Some faculty members argue the decision to call police and sheriff deputies to campus violated protestors’ rights to free speech and peaceful assembly and threatened workplace safety. Others say the UCI Police Department’s call for additional law enforcement aid was warranted after several people barricaded themselves inside the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall and protesters expanded the encampment footprint through the afternoon even after police arrived.

The senate’s call to ask for an investigation into the administration’s actions related to the encampment was approved 45 votes to nine with one abstention on Friday – votes were submitted anonymously via email by the senate assembly, a representative body of UCI faculty. Official meeting minutes published Monday confirm the vote tally.

Kristen Monroe, a political science professor, explained that the senate itself does not have the authority to initiate an investigation, so faculty are asking the University of California system’s President Michael Drake to hire an independent firm to look into events.

“In my own view, what is critical now is whether President Drake will authorize an investigation that is both independent and expeditious, the extent to which the UCI administration cooperates, what the independent investigators find, and what happens after an independent report is issued,” Monroe said.

The motion to investigate events related to the encampment passed the day after a motion by the senate assembly to censure the chancellor failed Thursday in a tight anonymous vote during a Zoom teleconference — with 25 representatives in favor of the disciplinary measure, 30 against it and one abstaining.

Drake’s office did not comment specifically Monday on the calls for investigation, but the president — himself a former UCI chancellor — issued a statement in support of Gillman.

“The UC Irvine community has faced a challenging few weeks, and I am grateful for Chancellor Gillman’s engaged leadership during this difficult period,” Drake said. “A free speech expert, he has taken great pains to protect the First Amendment rights of protestors while also preserving UC Irvine’s ability to carry out its education, research and public service mission.”

For comment, UCI officials referred back to a lengthy document from Gillman and Provost Hal Stern created in response to prior Academic Senate inquiries. The document explains the administration’s decisions related to the encampment.

“On several occasions, university leadership has provided in-depth responses to questions from the Academic Senate related to the encampment and the events of May 15,” said UCI spokesperson Mike Uhlenkamp. “The administration stands by those responses and will continue to engage with the Senate as appropriate on these topics.”

“The voting result from a recent Senate meeting demonstrates that the majority of the members of the Senate Assembly were understanding of the incredibly challenging situation that the chancellor and administration were faced with,” Uhlenkamp added in regards to the failed censure vote.

Was the censure vote valid?

Some professors want that censure vote stricken from the official record due to procedural and ethical violations they say occurred during Thursday’s meeting. Three faculty members said the motion to censure Gilman failed after it was “poisoned” by comments made by Senate Chair Arvind Rajaraman, who they say inadvertently violated parliamentary rules and ethics during voting.

Rajaraman declined to comment Monday, saying the issue may be raised at a future senate assembly meeting. Lecturer Brook Haley says he expects a motion to strike the censure vote from the record will be raised at the senate’s next meeting on Friday.

Thursday’s Zoom meeting was closed to press, but three faculty members in attendance, including Monroe and Haley, described “chaos,” saying Rajaraman struggled to maintain order of a virtual room full of approximately 500 professors and lecturers – with only the assembly members voting.

“People didn’t know what the rules were,” Monroe said, adding that on top of procedural questions around the vote, many faculty members expressed confusion about what a vote of censure entailed — and no clear answers were given.

Haley described the meeting as “awkward theater where some people didn’t know where the stage ended and the audience began.”

“They just started shouting, and Rarjaraman was not able to control that,” Haley said. “The whole [voting] sequence was out of order technically from Robert’s Rules, but by then Rajaraman had lost control of the meeting.” Robert’s Rules is America’s foremost guide to rules and ethics for governing decision-making and discussions in committees.

Robespierre's Rules

The faculty members said the censure vote was compromised in several additional ways.

“Most damning to me was that the discussion continued after the vote was opened, so there were still people speaking about the merits of the measure and their disagreement with the chair’s remarks while voting was open,” Haley said.

They also said that while Rajaraman seemed to try his best to maintain order, he spoke out of turn by estimating that more faculty members at the senate’s prior meeting on May 31 spoke in favor of censure than against it. They said Rajaraman never should have made that comment because no motion to censure ever arose during the May 31 meeting. Any estimate was pure conjecture, they said.

Rajaraman’s comment led to clamor from Gillman supporters calling to nullify the vote before the final tally came back. But after the censure failed, they stopped complaining, Haley said. “It seemed disingenuous that calls the vote had been tainted stopped once the results were favorable to the people making that complaint.”

Furthermore, Monroe and Haley confirmed that some professors and lecturers spoke multiple times during the meeting before others “in the queue” had the chance to voice their first comment. This violated senate rules, they said, and contradicted Rajaraman’s instructions, according to official meeting minutes, that “no participant shall speak more than once before everyone who wishes to speak during discussion on each motion has had an opportunity to do so.”

They pinpointed other procedural concerns such as when, they said, voting members undermined the condition of anonymity by announcing their votes before others had cast their own. Confusion about whether students could tune into the meeting or make comments also might have prevented some information from reaching representatives, they said.

Monroe said she believes an independent investigation could help provide clarity about the events on and around May 15. With additional information, she said representatives could make a more informed decision about how to respond to Gillman’s actions that day.

“I think when things got chaotic, several people who spoke against the motion to censure did so, it seemed to me, because they felt we needed more time and better facts,” Monroe said. “So that suggested that we needed to have an investigation, and probably the vote to have an investigation should have come first.”

This Friday, the senate assembly will meet for the third time since May 15 to discuss the fallout from that afternoon.

For its part, UCI’s graduate student government passed a symbolic no-confidence vote in Gillman one week ago, and outspoken Palestinian activist groups continue to call for his resignation during ongoing protests.