
Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Great Literature" at Cal State Long Beach

Hat tip Campus Reform

If any of you readers have kids going to Cal State Long Beach University, you might want to check out their book bag. Here is an example of what one comparative literature professor is assigning his students.

"Knowledge is power"

"Knockout" Assaults: "It's All About Lack of Jobs"

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

New York politician Charles Barron is one of those who are blaming others for the wave of "knockout" attacks directed at whites and Jews in Eastern cities. Frontpage Magazine is running this CBS news report:

It must be added here that Barron is a racist and anti-Semitic radical who once traveled with George Galloway's band of scallywags to Gaza as part of a Viva Palestina convey taking supplies and money to Hamas.

"The American delegation" in Gaza: Barron is standing over Galloway's right shoulder. Cynthia McKinney is standing to Galloway's left.

As for the "knockout" phenomena itself, this must be called for what it is, acts of hate directed to whites in general and Jews in particular. Instead of making excuses for it, black leaders should be coming together to condemn it and organize within their communities to somehow bring an end to it. There was a time in history, particularly in the South, when blacks were the victims of random or planned assaults and killings. It was wrong then, and  it is wrong now. Perhaps, this will be a time when blacks can examine their own prejudices. Is it not time for the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, President Obama and Eric Holder to step up and take strong public stands backed up by actions to confront this evil? I am not exactly holding my breath. As usual, it will be left to the Larry Elders of the country to take the strong moral stand (as he is doing).

Charles Barron? Never in a million years. By his own words  he would rather knock out (at least slap) some white person himself. Charles Barron is a thug defending thuggery.

Sharia in Sudan

Hat tip Catholic and Atlas Shrugs

If any of you women out there are planning that dream vacation to Sudan (OK. I am speaking hypothetically), you might want to take along a lot of clothes. This is what happens under sharia law to those women who are not dressed modestly enough-according to the snap judgment of the local cop on the beat. (Viewer warning).

Seriously, the next time you hear some inter-faith representative, like Faisal Abdul Rauf or Muzammil Siddiqi calmly tell you that sharia law is perfectly compatible with the US Constitution, keep this video in mind.

Anjem Choudary's Network

Hat tip Clarion Project

Anjem Choudary-He's the nosepicker in the middle.

While it's easy to poke fun at this vile creature, Anjem Choudary is the focal point of Islamic extremism in the UK. In this report by the Clarion Project, Choudary is linked to the jihadist forces leaving the UK to go and fight with al Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria.

Hopefully, the Brits, if they can find the spine, will find a law that will enable them to put this mope away for a few decades. As for the ones who are answering his call to go and fight in Syria (and who knows where else), let us pray that they shall not return, but fall in battle. Then Choudary can mount their names on some "wall of honour' in whatever hole he happens to reside in (at British government expense, mind you).

Friday, November 29, 2013

In UK: The Lee Rigby Murder Trial Begins

This week in London, the murder trial began for the two animals who murdered and nearly beheaded a British soldier who was simply walking down the street before they ran him down then slaughtered him in public view.

Unfortunately, Britain no longer has a death penalty.

Obamacare Success Stories

News item: Families USA has received a million-dollar grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to find and publicize people who have benefited from the Affordable Care Act.

In that spirit, I have found a couple myself.

Maggie Johnson signed up for Obamacare on Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, actually). On Friday, she went to Las Vegas and won 1 million dollars on the slots.

Bobbie Joe Harris got a job as a navigator for the ACA rollout website. With all the identities he gathered, he was able to take a vacation to Paris and buy a new car.

What? Don't believe me, eh? Well, how about Sarah Hall Ingram? She's the nice lady who was running the IRS probes of the Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status and passed confidential taxpayer info to the White House. She has now been promoted to the IRS office enforcing Obamacare.

How about Toni Townes-Whitley? She was a classmate of Michelle Obama at Princeton and is also now a sr. vice president of CGI Federal, the Montreal-based firm that got that big contract to design and put together the rollout website.

Erling Davis was fired from her job as an Obamacare operator after she was called by Sean Hannity and answered all his questions honestly. As a result, Hannity sent her $26,000 for her and her child-a year's salary for her- and promised to help her find a new job.

Nancy Pelosi told us that they would have to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it. Well, they passed it and now Nancy knows what's in it.

And there's more good news. Midnight tonight is the deadline announced by the White House for that rollout website to be working so more people can join the long line of success stories.

"Good news, mein Fuehrer. The Affordable Gesundheit website hasn't crashed today."

(Chalk up one more.)

Fjordman: Islamic Terrorists in the West and the West's Continued Denial

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

Fjordman is a pseudonym for a Norwegian man who was studying Arabic in Egypt until the 9-11 attacks and left in disgust when he saw Egyptians celebrating. Back in Norway, he lives in an undisclosed location due to numerous threats on his life. He also has to be concerned about Norwegian authorities, who may slap him in jail for what they call "hate speech".

In this essay, Fjordman begins with a description of Somali immigrants to Norway who took part in the Kenya mall massacre. He also describes the refusal of the leadership of his country and the West in general to call Islamic terrorism for what it is preferring instead to focus on "Islamophobia" by those who react quite naturally to all the horrors.

Here is more specifically on Norway from Vlad Tepes. It describes the rape epidemic in Norway, the refusal of the left to speak out, and the courage of one Muslim immigrant to do just that-speak out.

Comment: By refusing to openly address the reality of the threat, are we not, in addition, doing a disservice to peaceful Muslims who wish this violence and hate would disappear from Islam altogether? It takes real courage for them to speak out and take on the jihadists and Islamists who seek to impose their domination on the rest of us. They need our support. Perhaps, if they knew our societies would support them, there would be more speaking out. Alas, we are not doing so.

2010 Muslim Day Parade

Hat tip Joe

The below video in 7 parts is from September 2010, the New York City Muslim Day. It features speeches, a  parade and public prayers on New York's streets. It comes from the website Right News.

Nihad Awad's Great Parody Video

Hat tip MEMRI TV and Joe

Nihad Awad is the national leader of CAIR, a subversive organization if ever there was one. In the this video from MEMRI TV, he is interviewed last December in Arabic (with sub-titles) and makes such preposterous statements, you would swear it was one of those parody videos. Here he defends a convicted terrorist, Aafia Siddiqi, says that Muslims discovered America and....

Well, you watch.

That makes two great parodies posted here at Fousesquawk this week. The first was...

Peace, freedom, protection of religious minorities, and co-existence? Don't tell that to the Christians in Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria and about 45 other countries. Don't tell that to the Baha'i and gays in Iran. Don't tell that to the Jews in Europe and Israel. And what's with the Sunnis and Shia killing each other in Iraq, Syria and other places?

And spare us all the kind words about America, Mr Awad. Just a few days ago at your national conference in Anaheim, you featured as speaker Siraj Wahhaj, a man who has called America a "filthy garbage can" and called for an Islamic takeover of the country.

To call Nihad Awad a dissembler is too mild. He is a liar.

Other than that, it was great parody video. Almost better than the Hitler one.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

SFSU Palestinian Group Selling Terrorist T-Shirts

Hat tip Elder of Ziyon

San Francisco State University president Les Wong has a lot of work to do. Now the pro-Palestinian students at SFSU are selling shirts with the image of a Palestinian terrorist-hijacker Leila Khaled.

In my dictionary, airplane hijackers are terrorists.

It is time for SFSU to start expelling students. And if any of these students are not citizens, they should be deported.

-Elder of Ziyon

Latest FBI Hate Crimes Stats Debunk Islamist Propaganda-Again

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

In spite of the propaganda from organizations like CAIR, the US has not witnessed any increase in anti-Muslim acts. The FBI's 2012 figures show a decrease overall in hate crimes.

If you are wondering how all those "knockout" incidents figure into the stats, I have no idea. It will be interesting to see what the 2013 report says. I guess they don't count.

"Open " Discussion on Israel Boycott

Hat tip Dusty

This event sort of fell through the cracks on my part, but I am posting this news after the fact. This concerns what was billed as an "open" discussion on the boycott Israel question by some outfit called the American Studies Association.

Here is a report on the conference from JTA dated two days ago.

"A number of the speakers, particularly Palestinians, said the American Studies Association and the field it represents is a refuge from what they describe as an American society that is uninterested in their viewpoint."

Quite right, as Ben White might say. Once you are removed from university campuses, the large majority of the American people could less about the Palestinians. A large part of it might have to do with acts of terrorism over the past 40 or so years and dancing in the streets on 9-11.

And who is Ben White, you ask?

You don't wanna know.

At any rate, these academic dreamers and friends of the Palestinians can talk all they want about boycotting Israel. It ain't happening.

Hitler Finds Out He Can't Keep His Doctor

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine, Crapplefratz or whoever makes these great Hitler videos.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade-Look for the Yellow T-Shirts

Hat tip Washington Free Beacon

For those of you watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York today, if you see a group of people wearing yellow t-shirts with a black hand superimposed, no, it's not supporters of the The Black Hand. It's not opponents of Mom and apple pie. They are supporters of Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. They feel that its important to impose their support of the MB on our Thanksgiving Day parade. Bah humbug!

Barbara Boxer Responds to a Constituent (Kinda Sorta)

December 5, 2009

A bottle washes up on a California beach and is found by a beachcomber. Inside is a note that reads:

"June 15, 2005

To: Senator Barbara Boxer

Dear Senator Boxer,

Help! Am stranded on a deserted Pacific island. Only you are my last hope. Please send help immediately.


Robinson Crusoe IV."


Almost 4 years later, Crusoe finds a bottle washed up on the beach of his deserted Pacific island. Inside is a note that reads:

United States Senate
Dear Friend:

Thank you for taking the time to write and share your views with me. Your comments will help me continue to represent you and other Californians to the best of my ability. Be assured that I will keep your views in mind as the Senate considers legislation on this or similar issues.
If you would like additional information about my work in the U.S. Senate, I invite you to visit my website,  From this site, you can send a message to me about current events or pending legislation, access my statements and press releases, request copies of legislation and government reports, and receive detailed information about the many services that I am privileged to provide for my constituents. You may also wish to visit to track current and past federal legislation.
Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate hearing from you.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
Please do not respond to this message. If you would like to comment on legislation, please visit my website and use the correspondence form at


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sharyl Attkisson of CBS in Pursuit of the Truth on Obamacare

In the mainstream news media, there are few reporters as professional and honest as as Sharyl Attkisson of CBS. She reported honestly on Operation Fast and Furious and Benghazi and reportedly had her computer hacked because of her relentless pursuit of the truth when it comes to the scandals of the Obama administration. Now she rises to the occasion again when it comes to the Affordable Health Care Act. In spite of the statements by the president and his followers, Attkissson reports that the administration long knew that millions of Americans were going to lose their health care insurance under  Obamacare.

What makes this remarkable is that it doesn't come from Fox News, talk radio, or the blogosphere. It comes from CBS, a network that generally covers for the Democratic Party.

A Poetry Recital in Denmark

Normally, I would figure going to a poetry recital to be the most boring idea in the world. Not in Denmark when the poet is an 18-year-old apostate from Islam whose poetry reflects his negative attitude toward his former belief system. Last night, the recital went off, but attended by a massive police security apparatus. Gates of Vienna has the story. Vlad Tepes did the sub-titles from Danish to English.

Kudos to a Berkeley Professor (No, Really!)

Hat tip College Insurrection

Not everybody at UC Berkeley is beserk. Take math professor Alexander Coward, for example. He decided that just because a lot of students were supporting striking campus workers, that was no excuse for canceling a class.

Currently, UC campus workers are fighting for higher wages and what they say are better working conditions. Down here at UCI, they seem to be getting a lot of student support- at least if you read the campus paper and listen to the student activists. I am unaware of any faculty movement to cancel classes at UCI, where things tend to be less beserk than at UCB. Of course, if it ever comes to that, you can be sure I will teach my class. After all, that's what I am paid to do and that's what my students and their families are paying for.

A Thank You to the California Legislature

I normally don't compliment the California Legislature in Sacramento, but I am happy to post this thank you letter from the AMCHA Initiative thanking them for their commendation of San Francisco State University president Les Wong after he condemned posters created by Palestinian supporters that read, "My heroes have always killed colonizers".

Assemblymember Marc Levine
Senator Marty Block
Assemblymember Das Williams
Senator Carol Liu
Assemblymember Jose Medina
Senator Lois Wolk
Assemblymember Richard Bloom
Assemblymember Steve Fox
Senator Mark Leno

Dear California Assembly Members and Senators,

We are the co-founders of AMCHA Initiative, an organization dedicated to investigating, documenting, educating about and combating campus antisemitism.

We would like to commend you for your letter to President Wong thanking him for denouncing the intolerant and antisemitic acts that took place at San Francisco State University during an event sponsored by the General Union of Palestine Students on November 7.  Like you, we applaud President Wong's courageous statement and appreciate his commitment to investigating this incident and addressing it appropriately.

In addition, we are grateful for your acknowledgement that the celebration of violence towards any group, including Jews, fosters a climate of prejudice and bigotry, which is "the antithesis of an institution of higher learning." 


Tammi Rossman-Benjamin
Co-founder, AMCHA Initiative

Leila Beckwith
Co-founder, AMCHA Initiative

CC: SFSU President Leslie Wong
CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White  
CSU Board of Trustees 
Kenneth Monteiro, Dean of College of Ethnic Studies
California Jewish community leaders 
As I have said before, this should not be the end of it. Those responsible for creating messages of hate and incitement to murder should have no place on a college campus. President Wong still has some work to do.

Lies at Stetson University

Hat tip Family Security Matters

20111123_Mecca -Sign1-1
"Diversity and Inclusion"

Alan Kornman writes of his recent experience attending an Islamic event at Florida's Stetson University. In this article, he describes being threatened with arrest by a campus cop if he tried to film and the lies told by the speaker, Amer Ahmed,  regarding the cities of Medina and Mecca. Kornman also provides the correct information in response to the misinformation of the speaker.

"Racism" at UCLA

Hat tip Dailly Caller

ucla bruin Brain Surgeons

The intellectual thuggery that dominates in academia knows no bounds at UCLA. A professor who marked students' papers off for poor grammar is now being accused of racism by Students of Color(sic).

"The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in during a subsequent meeting of the class."

I should say as an ESL grammar and writing teacher that marking points off for grammar errors is what I do at UCI. My students, however, are foreign students learning English. Be that as it may, when I was teaching a drug id class at Northern Virginia Community College, I did the same thing with the papers of my American students. I thought that was what was expected. After all, are these not college students?

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor,” wrote the group in a statement to the college. “[The] barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”

And at the risk of being out of touch, isn't this "people of color" phrase being overused-especially since it is now considered offensive to refer to "colored people", which, when I was growing up, was considered polite in reference to black people? Rather confusing, isn't it?

And why would it be capitalized in the first place?

"Some of the corrections were clarified by sit-in organizer Kenjus Watson. Rust told one student that she should not capitalize the word “indigenous” in her papers. This correction was ideologically-motivated, according to Watson."

Maybe they should just have all the students do their papers by texting.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Who's in Charge of the Respect Party in UK? (Who Cares?)

British comedian, folk hero, and part time fashion model George Galloway was back in the news last month when five members of his Respect party resigned saying they were "unaware that George was the party leader".

To make matters worse, some reports indicate that the real leader of Respect is none other than Yvonne Ridley.

Guess which one of the above photos is Yvonne Ridley and which is a 1958 Cadillac.

I'm sure they will get it all sorted out.

Are You One of the 78 Million Who Will Lose Insurance?

"If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance-period."

More evidence continues to surface that President Obama is not only guilty of a monumental screw up with the Affordable Care Act, but has continually lied about it.

"Almost 80 million people with employer health plans could find their coverage canceled because they are not compliant with ObamaCare, several experts predicted."

"Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute added, "the administration estimated that approximately 78 million Americans with employer sponsored insurance would lose their existing coverage due to the Affordable Care Act."

"According to projections the administration itself issued back in July 2010, it was clear officials knew the impact of ObamaCare three years ago."

Well, as they said during last year's presidential campaign, "If you like your president, you can keep your president." And we did.

Oh, yee suckers.

More Anti-Jewish and Anti-American Hate at San Francisco State University

Hat tip Elder of Ziyon, Algemeiner, and anonymous for passing this on

The blog Elder of Ziyon has a post on the on-going mess at San Francisco State (a mess in itself that has been on-going since the 60s) regarding posters that were an incitement to kill Israelis. It gives you a real insight into the warped thinking of the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli and yes, anti-American thinking going on within the Palestinian supporters at SFSU.

Algemeiner has more. The California Legislature has commended SFSU President Les Wong for taking a stand against anti-Semitic hate speech and incitement to murder on campus.

Before I join in that commendation, I want to see what measures are taken against the offending parties.

I have one message for the owner of the above-pictured finger and your pals: If you don't like this country and its military, take your anti-Semitic hate and go back where you and/or your families came from. We don't need you here; we don't want you here, and the sooner you are back in your hellholes in Gaza or the West Bank, the better off we will all be here in America.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hot August Night in Santa Monica

Hat tip The United West

Last August, a group of counter jihad activists set up a table at the Santa Monica Third Street Promenade to distribute some literature about extremist Islam. This is what happened.



Who needs literature?

"Knockout" Takes on a New Aspect

Hat tip Creeping Sharia
Amrit Marajh, 28, in custody for attacking a Jew

"Perl was wearing a yarmulke. At least one of the men in the group yelled an anti-Semitic slur, cops said."

It looks like young African-American youth are not the only ones participating in the new sport of "Knockout". Here are the details on the most recent arrest in New York City.

I wonder if CAIR has any comment.

*Update from Algemeiner

It looks like in Brooklyn, Jews are the preferred target. Here is what one Jewish victim had to say about his attack.

And indifference from the mayor's office out-going and in-coming.

Christians Continue to Flee Middle East: Iraq

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

In addition to the deteriorating situation for Christians in Egypt and Syria, here is another story that the mainstream media and our government is ignoring. Iraqi Christians are leaving Iraq in droves to escape the warfare between Sunnis and Shia as well as to escape the attacks against their own churches and worshipers.

The Jews, of course, left between 1948 and 1950 after Israel was created. They were driven out. Now it looks as if Iraq will soon not only be judenrein, but kristenrein as well.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Was DOJ's Role in Canceling a Florida School Board Meeting?

Hat tip Free Patriot and Act for America

The controversial school curriculum Common Core and Prentice Hall's World History textbook, which has ignited parental protests all over the country because of its extensive and positive coverage of Islam, have come together in Volusia County, Florida. A school board meeting was canceled, and it has been reported that the DOJ had made a call to the board expressing concern over parental protests. Parental protests??!!

This particular textbook, which gives undue space to one religion at the expense of others, has been the object of protests by parents in several US cities. If it is true that the DOJ inserted itself into this Volusia County controversy, and a school board meeting was canceled as a result, that has to be cause for concern. here we have a government and a Justice Department that is inserting itself into local issues on a scale unprecedented.

The Racist Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Hat tip College Fix and Vlad Tepes

Behold the racist peanut butter and jelly sandwich-on white bread no less

Can't make this stuff up, Folks.

According to Veronice Gutierrez, a Portland, Oregon educator, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is racist.

Listen. I'll take a torta any day of the week, but this is getting beyond the point of absurdity. At what point do we come to the conclusion that this is part of an effort to put more distance between whites and non-whites in this country?

"Peace in Our Time"

"Peace in our time"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                     "A Nobel Peace in Our Time Prize for me"

The centrifuges remain. No stop to uranium enrichment. No facilities dismantled.  No release of an Iranian-American pastor imprisoned unjustly. What about Iran's support of international terrorism? Nothing addressed there. 

Have we forgotten the lesson of Munich? You can't negotiate with evil. You have to defeat it. You have to squeeze its balls into they are crushed. That's what sanctions could have done if ratcheted up all the way by a united world community.  

Instead we shall witness Kerry, Lady Catherine Ashton, the French foreign minister, and the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers receiving their Nobel peace prizes in Oslo while Iran continues along its merry way deceiving us, fomenting terror around the world, and continuing its design to destroy Israel, a nation now standing alone after being deserted by the Obama administration and the equally feckless Europeans (who were never Israel's friends to begin with).


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cal Thomas Refutes Oprah Winfrey's Comments About Race

Oprah Winfrey has been making a lot of questionable statements about race lately. In the below interview by Fox's Lauren Green,  I think Cal Thomas expresses it pretty well.

What I would say to Winfrey is that white people in America today are not the enemy of black people. It is absurd to claim (especially now) that criticism of the President stems from racism against an African-American in the White House. This president is doing a horrible job of running this country, and health care has awakened millions of people to the reality of this administration.

In terms of the many problems facing black communities in the US, white racism (as black radio commentator Larry Elder often says) is way down the list. The real problem now is lack of a stable two-parent family when 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. That has led to problems like this:

Another "knock out" attack by gangs of black youth aimed at innocent white victims-especially if they appear to be Jewish. (And if you haven't heard about this in recent weeks, you need to seriously re-examine where you get your news from.)


Absolutely, but you won't see Eric Holder's Justice Department getting involved in what now appears to be a wave of hate crimes sweeping large cities around the nation. Where is the NAACP? Where is the Congressional Black Caucus?

Where is Oprah Winfrey?

The British Definition of Racism

(Missing a field trip on Islam)

Hat tip Creeping Sharia

Hey parents! We are having a field trip for your kids. If your kid is absent, a full-scale investigation will be launched, and your child will have a note placed in his or her file that he or she is a racist.

It's getting scary out there, Folks.

"This proves the child wasn't sick. He was playing hooky from the field trip."

Random Shots in the Dark (45)

Hat tip John Speedie for audio and Jihad Watch

Time to take out the garbage again.

We begin with John Heinz Kerry, our kept man at Foggy Bottom, who is once again on the prowl, this time back in Geneva hunting for that elusive Nobel Peace Prize. Whether it's trying to ram a deal down Israel's throat, get Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood back in power in Egypt, or sign a deal-any deal with those trustworthy mullahs in Teheran, Kerry is on the job. Neville Chamberlain must be drinking champagne in his grave.

While Kerry fouls things up overseas, Kathleen Sibelius has created sheer chaos at home with that great Affordable Care Act and her high tech website. Trying to get through that is like trying to get to the end of Super Mario Brothers.

Out here in California, LA CAIR director Hussam Ayloush angrily told a questioner at the CAIR conference in Anaheim last Saturday that CAIR is a civil rights organization that doesn't involve itself in Middle Eastern affairs.......

....and that the questioner was an Islamophobe for asking.

I guess that's why CAIR is co-sponsoring an anti-Israel bash in Irvine of December 7 featuring such academic "luminaries" as Hatem Bazian of UC Berkeley and Sohail Daulatzai of UC Irvine, as well as old Jim Lafferty of the National Lawyers Guild, an outfit that was founded in the 1930s as a legal arm of the Communist Party USA.

That's right.

Speaking of academia, this site has been featuring some heretofore unknown "centers of learning" on a few of our university campuses. Try these on for size:

Islamophobia Research and Documentation Center at UC Berkeley run by the aforementioned Bazian.

Center for Right-Wing Studies at UC Berkeley

Your tax dollars at work, folks (with generous subsidies from Saudi Arabia, I guess).

Switch reels

How'd you like to have Jay Carney's job right now?

Now that James Brown is dead and buried (?), this guy has to be the hardest working man in show business. Every day he has to walk out in front of the once-friendly White House press corps and make Obama look good while trying to explain Obamacare and all the other monumental screw ups like IRS, NSA and such. He might as well be the publicist for Laurel and Hardy.

Meanwhile, on the matrimonial front, it appears 79-year-old Charlie Manson has found his trophy wife, a 25-year-old successor to Squeaky Fromme, who is known only as "Star". 
Mr Right

She runs a worldwide nonprofit organization called, "Release Charles Manson now." Here is their statement:

"We KNOW Charles Manson was not given his rights in a court of law, and that he has been illegally incarcerated by the California Department of Corrections for the past 40 years. This blatant injustice will no longer be tolerated. Thousands of people around the world understand that Manson has been illegally tried in and by the media. He is obviously a political prisoner."

Note to Charlie: If Star doesn't work out, there is always Boston College professor Natana DeLong-Bas
Natana J. DeLong-Bas.jpg
"The eyes never lie."

Speaking of injustices, Kennedy justice seems to be prevailing again as nephew Michael Skakel's murder conviction has been overturned due to "the incompetence" of his defense council, one Micky Sherman, who just happens to be one of the top criminal defense attorneys in the country. Skakel is now free on bond.

Don't forget, Fousesquawkers; only 6 more weeks until the announcement of the 2013 Jerk of the Year. There are plenty of worthy contestants. Get your nominations in soon, so I can throw them in the waste paper basket. Just think: Hillary Clinton's reign is (maybe) only 6 weeks from ending-until her new reign as president begins in 3 years.

" I can't wait-for either."

In case you are wondering whatever happened to Janet Napolitano (2010 winner), she is at an undisclosed location trying to get a handle on her new gig as president of the University of California. I can't even tell you whether she is in Southern California or Northern California. It's so secret, they haven't even told her. The poor gal can't even step foot on one of her campuses because the little rascals will protest. (Don't ask me why. They should adore her.)

"I have a dream (act)."

"Th, th, that's all, Folks."

(I'm sure I left something out.)