
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

France: 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl Gang Raped

Last Saturday (June 15), a 12-year-old Jewish girl was accosted by three adolescent boys, ages 12-13, as she was walking home. They allegedly insulted her for being Jewish, forced her into an abandoned daycare center, beat her, and raped her while threatening to kill her. The three boys have been arrested. The attack happened in the community of Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine) part of the greater Paris area. Today, a march against anti-Semitism was organized in Paris in reaction to the incident.

The identities of the boys have not been released, and due to the anti-Semitic nature of the attack, there is much speculation as to their background, but that is not confirmed.

The below article from Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk.

Courbevoie: Two adolescents charged and held for rape and anti-Semitic violence against a minor

By Ambre Lepoivre

Posted yesterday at 16:20, updated one hour ago.

A 12-year-old girl was dragged into an abandoned (building) in Courbevoie, in less Hauts-de-Seine by three minors. She was subjected to violent sexual acts coupled with death threats and anti-Semitic remarks.

Two adolescents were charged Tuesday evening, 18 June for "gang rape, death threats, insults, and anti-Semitic violence" against a 12-year-old girl in Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine), near Paris, facts that raise real emotion in the Jewish community and beyond. According to the Nanterre Prosecutor's office, a third suspect, also a minor, has been placed under the statute of (participatory) witness for "rape" and charged for the other infractions targeted by the investigation.

Two of the three adolescents, ages 13, were placed under a detention order by a detention judge. One was placed in the Nanterre detention facility, the other in that of Porcheville in the Yvelines. The third, age 12, was released under a provisional judicial measure, the prosecutor's office said.  

Unleashing of violence

On Saturday, 15 June, an adolescent girl spends the afternoon with a friend before being accompanied home. While crossing the Henri Regnault Park, she encounters two boys, one of whom she knows slightly, (and) who block her path forcing her to go with them to an old daycare center now abandoned. A third boy joins them and insults the young girl's religion calling her a "dirty Jew", according to the statements of the girl to police with whom we have been able to consult. 

What follows is an unheard of unleashing of violence: According to our information, the girl is hit, thrown to the floor, and photographed. One of the attackers holds a lit lighter next to her cheek and threatens to "burn" her.  They force vaginal and anal penetrations on her as well as fellatio, and threaten to kill her if she talks to the police. 

Abandoned in the deserted building, the girl returns home and reveals the horror that she has just been subjected to to her parents who alert the police. Her friend, who was present at the moment the two boys took her with them, was able to provide  a detailed description of the suspects. The video surveillance images also permitted the investigators to confirm the presence of the three suspects near the scenes of the crime.

The investigations, first assigned to the Courbevoie police station, then to the Territorial Brigade for Protection of the Family, led to the arrests of the three suspects during the daylight hours of Monday.

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