
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Another Black Eye for Columbia University

Over the past decade or so, few universities have had as many anti-Semitic incidents as Columbia. Just recently, in the wake of October 7, the school has come back under the spotlight including being investigated by Congress. Columbia's president, Minouche Shafik was called to testify before the House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Work Force and has come under sharp criticism. 

Now comes a new black eye for Columbia as three administrators are alleged to have exchanged text messages mocking Jewish claims of campus anti-Semitism. The College Fix has the story. The story was first broken by the Washington Free Beacon.

Here is how the Columbia campus newspaper, the Columbia Spectator is reporting the story.

After so many years of complaints by Jewish students, the actual presence on campus of professors like Joseph Massad and Rashid Khalidi, the pathetic performance of Shafik, and now this it is really hard to believe Columbia's protestations of innocence when it comes to allegations of campus anti-Semitism.

What Columbia needs is a good housecleaning-a fumigation, actually.

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