
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden (19)

In Sweden, the Muslim Brotherhood-connected Ibn Rushd Study Association is back in the news. The city of Stockholm had suspended grants to the organization due to its questionable teaching materials that deal with child abuse, child marriage, and homosexuality. The city has now decided to resume payments to Ibn Rushd.  At the same time, the city stopped grants to the organization, Never Forget Pela and Fatime (GAPF), a group that works in defense of women and girls within the Muslim Community.

The below article from the conservative Swedish news outlet, Nyheter Idag, is translated by Fousesquawk. This is the latest in our series of translated articles from Europe dealing with the Muslim Brotherood in various European countries. This is the 19th such translation on Sweden.

City of Stockholm gives one million grant to Ibn Rushd-Stops grants to association against honor violence

By Johannes Nilsson

In December last year, the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million (kronors) to the controversial study association, Ibn Rushd, after the Public Education Council determined that the study association's teaching materials deal with child abuse, child marriage, and describe homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the cultural council in Stockholm decided  to resume the payments, Sweden's Radio reports.

The criticized material has reportedly been used by the study association in other places besides Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with an action plan at the same time the city paid a visit to the association's operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm is stopping payments of 600,000 (kronors) per year to the association, Never Forget Pela and Fadime (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association posted (material) on a private Facebook page that the city views as being against the city's guidelines. 

GAPF reports in a press release that it distances itself from the  board member's now-deleted post and that the association has taken measures like updating communications policy and ethical guidelines, as  well as conducting training for board members and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing fast by its decision. 

"We wonder how the city really works in democratic terms. How can a study association that has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and which has been involved in brokering temporary marriages, i.e., traffic in women's bodies, according to a disclosure from Mission Review, qualify for support  but not us, who work steadfastly help and protect vulnerable women and girls?" says Sara Mohammad, founder of GAPF, in a statement.

Since the last election, the city of Stockholm is run by a coalition of Social Democrats, Left Party, and Environmental Party (Green). 

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