
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Federal Judge Issues Ruling Against UCLA

This week, a federal judge in the Central District of California (Los Angeles) issued a strongly-worded ruling against UCLA based on the school's handling of last semester's pro-Palestinian encampment. The ruling is now part of a lawsuit brought on behalf of Jewish students at UCLA that was filed in June. The Jewish news outlet, Algemeiner, has the details.

It is truly disgusting that UCLA administration and campus police would allow these thugs to obstruct Jewish students from walking near the encampment unless they renounced Zionism. It's bad enough that the little rascals could take up public space to set up an enclosed encampment, but to proactively stop Jewish students from using pathways near the encampment to go to and from class is an outrage. Where the hell were the potted plants of the campus police? 

Oh, yes. They were guarding the encampment.

And how about the defense of the university? They argued that the university "has no responsibility to protect the religious freedom of its Jewish students because the exclusion was engineered by third-party protesters”. 

Horse feathers! That's where the campus police come in. That's where feckless administrators like then-chancellor Gene Block come in. That's where arrests and expulsions come in. Instead, Block hid under his desk, just as he hid under his desk for years while Jewish students were being bullied around on campus by the "river to the sea" gangsters. Only when the situation had become untenable and violence was breaking out at the encampment did Block finally send in the gendarmes.

Because of its negligence, UCLA now gets to spend the next few years defending itself in court against lawsuits filed on behalf of Jewish students who were harassed for years on campus while the university ignored it under the guise of free speech.

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