
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Columbia University President Resigns


Minouche Shafik

Minouche Shafik, the embattled president of Columbia University has resigned, effective immediately. Not only that; she is getting out of Dodge literally. She is returning to the UK! Bon voyage.

"I am very pleased and appreciative that this will afford me the opportunity to return to work on fighting global poverty and promoting sustainable development, areas of lifelong interest to me," she said. "It also enables me to return to the House of Lords to reengage with the important legislative agenda put forth by the new UK government."

-ABC News

This follows on the heels of the resignations of three Columbia officials whose text messages back in May came to light. In the exchanges, the three were mocking and disparaging Jewish students who were complaining about campus anti-Semitism.

This is another positive step in academia. She follows other university presidents (Harvard and UPenn) who have testified before Congress regarding the turmoil and anti-Semitism on their campuses and performed so poorly under questioning. They are either grossly incompetent or completely insensitive to the harassment and bullying that Jewish students have been exposed to on their campuses for years! 

There are so many more university presidents who deserve to lose their jobs, either through forced resignation or firing. They have brought scorn and discredit to once-great institutions of learning that are now little more than institutions of propaganda, America-bashing, and disruptive protests. Not to mention out-of-control anti-Semitism.

That's not much to be proud of.

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