
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Terror Arrests in Germany and Netherlands (Cont.)

Earlier today, we reported on 7 arrests in Germany of suspects allegedly planning a terror attack(s) on behalf of ISIS. There were also two related arrests in the Netherlands. The below article from today's Telegraaf (Nl) is translated by Fousesquawk,

IS gave order for attack

Man (29) and wife (31) arrested on suspicion of terrorism

Updated today at 09:20. Today at 08:43 in domestic 

Rotterdam- A 29-year-old man from Tajikistan and his 31-year-old wife from Kyrgyzstan were arrested Thursday morning on suspicion of terrorism, the State Prosecutor's Office of the Public Prosecutor (OM) reports. The two are suspected of "preparatory actions for a terrorist crime." The man is also suspected of participating with the terrorist organization, Islamic State (IS).

The two have been in the Netherlands since 2022. The woman was arrested in an apartment in Breda, (and) the man was arrested in Eindhoven. The investigators got on the trail of the suspects after an official report from the General  Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD). From this, it turned out the man is a  member of IS and had received the order to plot an attack. "The plans were not yet concrete, but the Public Prosecutor found them serious enough to intervene," the statement reads. 

The investigation was conducted in cooperation with Germany because the man was in contact with people who live in the North Rhine Westphalia state. In the German investigation, 7 suspects were arrested Thursday because they were allegedly preparing an attack. According to the newspaper, Die Welt, there were 7 men between 20-45 years of age from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. They reportedly all arrived in Germany around the spring of 2022. According to German security services, they were in contact with the Afghani-Pakistani branch of ISIS.

Both suspects in the Netherlands will be brought before an examining magistrate on Friday. They are in restricted custody, which means that the suspects are only allowed contact with their lawyer.

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