
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Will (LA Mayor) Eric Garcetti Be the Next US Ambassador to India?


What a coincidence! Today, as Fox News online is running a  story on the takeover of the Venice area of Los Angeles by a homeless encampment, we hear that Old Joe is considering Mayor Eric Garcetti as our next ambassador to India.

A splendid choice. Here's why.

First of all, it gets Garcetti out of Los Angeles, where he has been a catastrophic mayor, and it gets him out of California as well.

And Eric would bring his experience and expertise to India, a country that knows a thing or two about failed leadership and people sleeping on the streets. Just one drive through Venice or downtown Los Angeles will tell you that Eric is an expert on homelessness. California is not only a blue state, but LA (and SF) are blue cities, as evidenced by the blue tents that cover the landscape. In addition, Eric brings badly needed expertise to India when it comes to disease and plagues. Under Eric's stewardship, downtown Los Angeles and City Hall itself were hit by the black plague, a disease not seen since the Middle Ages. In addition, the city experienced an outbreak of typhus, no less. And while this was all going down, Mayor Garcetti was running around the country testing the waters for a presidential run!

Help is on the way.

Finally, TV viewers all over Southern California don't have to watch Garcetti and his hand-signer bore us to tears with his daily announcements on the Covid crisis.

"And as of today, we have vaccinated, 765,000 people in Los Angeles, blah blah blah."

Maybe Eric can pack a few million blue tents to take with him to India.

"Eric Garcetti as ambassador to India?"

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