
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Asylum-Seekers in Netherlands Over-Represented in Crime

-Dagelikse Standaard
 "There must be a Solzhenitsyn in there somewhere."

The Dutch Parliament has received the 2019 crime statistics from State Secretary Ankie  Broekers-Knol which show a record year of criminal mischief among asylum-seekers. The below article from Dagelijkse Standaard pins much of the blame of the VVD party (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en DemocratiePeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy). Translation by Fousesquawk.

Asylum-seekers break crime record again! Moroccans and Algerians stand at the top of the negative list

By Bart Reijmerink May 13, 2020

State Secretary Ankie Broekers-Knol has announced the annual data to the Second Chamber (Parliament). And to kn one's surprise, asylum-seekers are revealed to be massively involved in crime. In the last year, they were more often involved than the previous year. This is what you get when the VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en DemocratiePeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy)  has this portfolio.......

The increase in 2019 in comparison to 2018 is no less than 27(!)%. Within AZC's (reception centers), more than 17,000 crimes took place and almost 5,000 outside AZC's. These numbers are worrisome, given the total number of asylum-seekers has only declined in the past few years. We can, thus, only conclude one thing: The current cabinet is failing miserably in the policy of asylum and migration.

The VVD has been yelling for years that they are for a strict quick-response policy, but in fact, we never see any effects from this. They never dare to follow through, unfortunately. In this sort of case, you miss a political heavyweight like Frits Bolkestein. But what do you expect when your party leader is Mark Rutte?

The crime numbers among asylum-seekers are increasing because more and more asylum-seekers come to the Netherlands who have zero-point-zero chance of asylum. They come namely from "safe countries". Countries like Morocco or Algeria. They know, in reality, that they have no chance of asylum. Unfortunately, they therefore decide to ruin the atmosphere for other asylum-seekers inside the AZC's, nor can they resist (causing problems) outside the AZC's.

State secretary Knol herself says that she has taken hard measures, therefore, in the coming year, we should expect a drop. First see, then believe......

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