
Monday, July 8, 2024

Columbia: Three Administrators "Permantly Removed" From Their Positions

The plot thickens at Columbia University. Three university administrators have been "permanently removed" from their positions in the wake of leaked texts that mocked the concerns of Jewish students and the leader of the campus Hillel chapter. A 4th official who was involved in the text exchanges, Columbia College Dean Josef Sorett, remains in his position, which has many critics asking why. In addition, it is not immediately clear if the three administrators in question have been suspended or fired.

The College Fix has the report here. In addition, the Columbia Spectator also has a report here.

In November, 2023, Columbia suspended the campus chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), both rabidly anti-Israel groups, and certainly in the case of SJP, anti-Semitic as well. In my opinion, both of these radical organizations should be permanently banned from Columbia and all university campuses. Their actions on campus go far beyond speaking out against Israel and are unacceptable.

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