
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sweden: Anatomy of an Honor Killing

Last year in Sweden, a young Somali man got his Swedish-Thai girlfriend pregnant. The relationship was discovered by his mother, who threatened to disown him because he was in a relationship with a "white girl". So what's the only honorable thing to do? Kill the girlfriend and the unborn baby, that's what.

And that's what 20-year-old Mohamedamin Ibrahim did. Now he is convicted of "honor-killing" and the sentence is life in prison.

The below article from Fria Tider is translated by Fousesquawk.

Caption: "I am also Muslim and Somali, and I don't go home to a white person," wrote Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim in a message to his mother before the murder of pregnant Saga

Life sentence for honor-killing of "a too-white woman".

Posted June 5, 2024 at 13:16

Domestic. Mohamedamin Ibrahim, 22, is sentenced to life imprisonment for killing pregnant Saga in  Örebro. The murder happened because his mother "did not accept that he was together with a white girl".

Somali Mohamedamin Ibrahim murdered his girlfriend, Saga, 20, in an apartment in Örebro.

At the time, she was 7-months pregnant with a healthy boy, who also died in her (womb) at the time of the murder.

The prosecutor had earlier stated that the murder was committed because he didn't want to tell his relatives that he had a relationship with a "white" non-Somali. Saga was of Thai background.

"The suspect's family did not accept that was had been together with a white girl," said Prosecutor Elisabeth Anderson to Expressen in connection with the charge.

Among other things, last January, the mother confronted Ibrahim with the fact that her car, which he was using, had been seen parked at Saga's address.

That made the mother furious:

"Don't come (back) to me. I am no longer your mother. I am Muslim and Somali," she wrote in a message.

"Don't go home to a white person"

In his response, Ibrahim denied the relationship.

"I am also Muslim and Somali, and I don't go home to a white person".

The  Örebro court today sentenced the 22-year-old to life imprisonment for murder.

Mohamedamin Ibrahim has obtained a Swedish passport, and thus, cannot be deported home to Somalia under the current legislation.

The murder was committed 29 April 2023 in the woman's residence in Örebro. The Somali and the woman were in a relationship and were expecting a child together. The same day, the 22-year-old was arrested for murder.

After an extensive examination of a series of evidence, the court found that Mohamedamin Ibrahim had, beyond a reasonable doubt, murdered Saga. According to the judgment of the court, the Somali had an honor motive for carrying out the crime.

Through robust evidence, the prosecutor showed that the 22-year-old murdered his pregnant girlfriend and that the fetus in her (womb) died as a result. The prosecutor also showed that the murder was honor-related, which the court saw as aggravating in the value of the sentence," court spokesperson Lars-Gunnar Lundh said in a statement.

The prosecutor presented extensive evidence, and several witnesses testified in court. With the support of what was presented, the court determined that there were a number of aggravating circumstances, but no mitigating ones. Therefore, the penalty was set at life imprisonment.

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