
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Another Pro-Terrorist Demonstration at the White House

-Washington Examiner

Just another day in Joe Biden's America. Today, thousands of pro-Hamas demonstrators are at the White  House. I guess they are angry at the freeing of 4 hostages by the IDF. While the civilized world gives thanks, these loons are not only demonstrating but defacing monuments with graffiti and insulting cops, not to mention throwing objects at a lone Park Ranger assigned to guard a monument already filled with spray paint by the thugs. Where were the police to back up that Ranger and make arrests?

This is another classic example of the marriage between the pro-Hamas Islamists in our country and the far-left loons who support anything that goes against the US, Israel, or the West in general. 

But don't worry about the Bidens. They are safely in France eating fois gras and sipping champagne with Macron. It is reported by Fox that Jill even flew home to spend a day with Hunter at his trial in Delaware before flying back to France for more fois gras and champagne.

*Correction: That's Dr. Jill. Fousesquawk regrets the error.

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