
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Netherlands: Hague Police Attacked by Mob While Assisting Sick Person on Street

-De Telegraaf

On Sunday morning at about 2:45 am, Hague police responded to a call that a man needed medical assistance outside the central train station. As the police and ambulance personnel were attending to the victim, they were set upon by a mob who were in the vicinity. Reinforcements and police dogs were called in and 4 persons were arrested.

The below article from today's De Telegraaf is translated by Fousesquawk. English subtitles for the video in the article are pending.

Officers attacked while offering medical help to victim in the Hague

Posted today at 13:01. Today at 09:50 in Domestic

The Hague. On the night of Friday to Saturday, Hague police made 4 arrests after officers were attacked as they were offering help during a medical emergency situation.

Around 2:45 am, police received a report that someone (needed medical assistance) on Rijnstraat (street) right by the Hague Central Station. Originally, it appeared to be a case of resuscitation, but once at the scene, it turned out not to be necessary. While officers and ambulance personnel were treating the victim, they were attacked by various groups of cafe-goers who sought confrontation. 

Among other things, the officers had to use batons and police dogs so that their colleagues could do their work safely. The crowd was eventually driven back toward the station. At that time, an officer was struck by someone from the mob. The police arrested a suspect for this assault. Three others were handcuffed. Two of the four were still in jail Saturday morning. 

The victim who had taken ill was able to be taken safely to the hospital in an ambulance thanks to the actions of the police. A second person was reportedly taken to the hospital according to a photographer who was present. On Saturday morning, the police here were unable to give further information.

*Update: Here is the subtitled video (Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes for subtitling. Translation by Fousesquawk.) 

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