
Friday, May 24, 2024

He's Baaaack! Amir Abdel Malik Ali Returns to UC Irvine

"Good news, mein Fuehrer: Malik Ali says your enemies' days are numbered." 

How did we miss this? Our old friend, Amir Abdel Malik Ali, the radical imam from Oakland, after an absence of so many years, returned to the scene of all his previous transgressions at UC Irvine last Friday, May 17 to speak to the little rascals after their encampment had been cleared out by the gendarmes. It looks like he's back on the lecture circuit, also appearing recently at Stanford before a handful of little rascals.

Ali in a previous rant

I was wondering whatever happened to Ali. But he's back and, apparently, has not lost any of his venom. This time, Ali has discovered another "Zionist Jew" to rage at. That would be UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman. In previous visits to UCI over the years, he has referred to former UC President, Mark Yudoff, Rupert Murdoch, and countless others as "Zionist Jews", spitting the words out just like the Nazis used to refer to Jews in Germany.

And just as he has insisted for years, "the days of the Zionists and Israel are numbered". I guess he hasn't seen the images of Gaza in the last few months since his Hamas heroes committed their atrocities on October 7, 2023. Doesn't he know that Yahya Sinwar and his lieutenants are hiding in a tunnel under the streets of Rafah? Those are the people whose days are numbered.

Here are clips of Ali's latest screed courtesy of Memri TV.

Just where has he been all these years?

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