
Thursday, May 30, 2024


A lot is being said about the trial in New York, and I will await the verdict before writing something extensive. In all the coverage of Robert DeNiro’s rant outside the courthouse, one aspect seems to be overlooked. For DeNiro and members of the DNC to hold a press conference outside the courthouse while the trial was still in progress and talk about how dangerous Trump is if he becomes president again, while legally protected, is unconscionable. Was this an attempt to influence the jury? Will it influence the jury, which is not sequestered? Who knows? 

DeNiro and the DNC leaders were flanked by what looked like beefy security heavies. Actually, it was reported that two of them were Capitol police officers who had been injured during the January 6 incident. I have no axe to grind against them, and I didn’t like it when one of the hecklers called them “traitors”.

All in all, the spectacle only added to the impression on the part of so many, including myself, that this entire process is a blot on the American justice system,

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